new bike oil loss


Oct 19, 2000
hi guys love the site the best . me and my friend both picked up 2001 220r kdxs on the same day broke in like the man says went out finally in the rain and mud bikes rode great till we stoped for lunch appox 3hrs. my bike oil level ok his none in glass at all . added appox 6 to 8oz of 80 wt oil made the half way line one problem both bikes picked up the same day same break in any ideas kawi dealer thinks it might be a crank seal due to black plug but no fouling or any oil in coolant just to know if it wasnt for the sight glass both bikes ran the same no more smoke or noise or ect just a concern if any body had the same problem please let me know or maybe just a crank seal thanx much cyclers10



May 11, 2000
the dealer i got my 200 from said my oil
level may go down the first 100 miles and it
went down to the bottom of the sight glass
and it hasent since except for once i did not
tighten my drain plug enough and it dripped

2000 kdx200 2000ktm 50sxpro jr
alexis il

[This message has been edited by agitt73 (edited 04-11-2001).]


Sep 8, 1999
I don't know what causes it but the oil level will sometimes read full at the sight glass after an oil change and then lower during the ride. What I do now when changing oil is just pour the whole quart in. Haven't had any problems doing this and others on this site have done the same. I would continue to monitor the oil level but you probably have nothing to worry about.


Mark C.

Posts Too Much
Nov 1, 2000
I do the same in my KX. I just put the whole quart of oil in it and never have to worry about the oil level but the only problem when doing that is oil always leaks out when I put a full quart in it. Same thing happens with my buddies KX too. Only about a drop or two of oil leaks out ( not alot just enought to notice ). Is this OK?

" My BLUE motor is faster then your TAN motor! "

joe woj

Oct 29, 1999
i wouldnt worry, just change the oil, most everybody changes it every 3rd ride, ive been using automatic transmission fluid, type F and just pour the whole quart in, its cheap enough so you can change it more often, remember this is a wet clutch so its pretty important to change it regularly, i was using mobil 1 synthetic, but at 4 bucks a quart it was getting expensive to change every third ride then some people here at just KDX hipped me to the idea of ATF type F and it preformed just as good ,for a dollar a quart, been running it ever since, enjoy your new KDX's !!!



Apr 14, 2001
My `00 KDX 220 did the same thing. I would stand the bike on a stand. Fill the thing up to the top of the sight glass. Let it sit around to make sure the oil has settled. Ride it even for a short ride. Put it back on the stand even for over night. The oil level would be lower. I repeated this several times. I had no idea where the oil was going. My only theory was it had a bad crank seal but the bike was not smoking. I took it to the shop and I think they thought I was nuts. They checked it out anyway. They put pressure in the cylinder to check the seals and they were good. The end result was it just quit losing oil and I don`t think you have anything to worry about. Weird but true.

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