
Jan 24, 2014
I have been a street dirt and vintage rider for a while but I have now been in the dirt for about 10 years. I came across a deal I couldn't avoid which included a 2003 CRF50 and 2001 CR250r for super cheap. I took the 250 out once so far after cleaning the bike up a bit and it ripped. I did order some stuff for it and look forward to getting back out in the dirt with friends. In the mean time I have been surfing the internet looking for interesting things related to getting back into dirt riding.

Its been too long. I couldn't believe how advanced things are for the year bike I picked up. My last dirtbike was a 84' YZ490. What a pig.

So that's my introduction. I'll probably be posting stupid questions and stuff in the forums so oh well...


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