New, need help getting started in racing enduro's


Jan 26, 2005
I am new to this forum, and it seems to me that a lot of experienced people are registered on this site. I am looking to talk with anyone on here who knows what they're talking about and who can tell me how I can get started in racing in enduro's. I am not new at riding I started riding when I was 10 and have been trail riding ever since, and now I am looking to compete. I live in Ohio and I want to know if there is any enduro's that go on here. I do not have a bike now because its pretty much shot. I am 18 which is a little old to be getting started but I figure I needed to build my experience before i just jump into something like this. I plan on getting a YZ250F before I start riding, and if someone can maybe tell me what would be a good way to modify this bike. If anyone can help me in giving me some answers, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks and drive safe.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome to the site Adam :cool:

First, sit down and take a deep breath, there is lots of time left. Unlike Tennis or Gymnastics (where you peak at 14), dirtbikes are a lifetime learning experience. Malcolm Smith (the most famous off road enthusiast in the sport) is 63 years young and is capable of far out riding many folks far younger than his age. At eighteen, you have many years of learning and fun ahead of you.

I thought at first (reading the title) I would move your post to another forum to answer your question. After reading your entire post, I realized that would be a mistake. Instead of that, I would suggest that you grab a tall glass of your favorite beverage and become one with search. See it up there in the bar just under the banner? Search can be your friend. There is tons of information buried within the annals of DirtRider.Net. Search is your friend that can wade through the compendium of knowledge we affectionately call DRN and bring it to your screen.

Once you begin to learn, many new questions will present themselves to you. Search for them as well. As questions arise that have no apparent answer, post them up and start a new discussion, thereby adding to the vast knowledge within.

You know, some days I think I should change my screen name to Yoda. ;)

Back to reality, be sure and go to your User CP and update all your information. We will do our best to hook you up with some fellow dirt bike enthusiasts. This is the best darn dirtbike website around and we have the finest folks in cyberspace ready and willing to help a newbie willing to listen and pounce on a fake.

Some of the best folks hardly leave their local forums, so be sure and check out the local forums for sure.

Again, welcome to the site, and shout if you have any questions!


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001

Also, check this website.

In the column on the left you will see "Enduro Basics" about halfway down. Follow that link for lots of useful info for getting started riding. Check with locals for clubs in your area to find other enduro riders for race schedules and web links to them too.

Good luck and have fun. If you have any questions, come back and post again. Check out the enduro/cross-country/gncc forum here on DRN as well.



Jan 26, 2005
Awsome, Thanks Randy, and "Yoda" lol, I appreciate you guys helping me with this, belive it or not this is a dream hobby I have always wanted to do, and when I found this site I figured it may help me, but I wanna say thanks for the useful information and you guys take care and thanks for the help.
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