New to the scene in Sydney


Mar 27, 2005
New to the scene

Heyyyyy im a 19 yr old chick getting into the trail scene, I live in sydney aus.The bf is getting me into the scene so i can go riding with him and the boys ,atm hes got a KX250 98 model , which to me is HUGE !!!! .Umm he mostly rides in bush and thats most likely where i will be riding aswell.I dont know if theres many folk from aus in here but if anyone can help out with some tracks for me to learn on , i would be most appreciative! We are looking at getting me a 110cc 4 stroke (import) with no clutch and 4 gears if that makes it any easier . Thanks PEACE OUT :aj:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Wow that was quick! :nod:

Welcome to the site.

Be sure and check out the Women's Forum. There are a great bunch of gals in there and they are always willing to help.

Before you jump off and buy a bike you might want to check out the Bikes for the Ladies thread in the Women's Forum. Ask any questions that you might have and I am sure you will get all the answers that you will want. Some of the finest women in dirtbikes hang out in there daily.
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