no spark on husky, stator?coil?


Feb 19, 2002
Anybody have any experience with these things going bad. I have an 88 Husqvarna 125 and 93 Husqvarna 360. Last ridden about 1 month ago in wet conditions. I washed both then have done some general maintenance while they sat in the garage. No spark on either and when I removed ignition cover, water in motoplats. About a half cup each. The problem is the water has been in there a while since I washed them/rode them nearly a month ago.

My question is, does husqvarna have a tendency for either the stator or the coil to go bad? I will have both tested but wasn't sure if they had a history of one or the other going bad.

The 125 had been breaking up on the top end previously. Would that indicate coil going bad?



Nov 19, 2002
Top end breaking up could be a few things. Either an airleak in the cases or crank seal (flywheel side) or carb manifold seal, or electrical: faulty windings, coil, HT lead, plug cap or plug. Replace the plug, lead and cap first. Elimination is the only way to go. I had the same problem on mine. Luckily it turned out to be a faulty plug. Sorry I can't help on the major issue of no spark at all. Maybe the water corroded the pick up surface on/in the flywheel and stator. Try removing the flywheel and cleaning them up. While it's off, check for signs of leaking around the crank seal on the 125.


May 16, 2002
Ive replaced quite a few Husky stators in the past and the best replacement was from PVL . Maybe you could just blow it out and clean it first real good . Try anyway . The 88 you might have a problem finding parts . GOOD LUCK


Feb 19, 2002
Thanks for the replies. I cleaned up the 93, reattached the plug wire, started up fine(at midnite last nite). I'm going to do the same for the 88 and see what happens. I spoke to the local Husky dealer service guys and they said they had a high degree of failure on the 88 system which was from Motoplat who is now out of business. There is supposed to be another system I can convert to if needed. Parts dept is supposed to check on it and call with price/availability. This may be the kiss of death for that little bike. Husky has never published OHM readings to my knowledge so they used to have to send them off to Motoplat to be tested. I've got my fingers crossed.


May 25, 2001
Glad to hear the 93 is running!!

Have you tried the PJ carb yet?

There is a guy on that big auction site that has a ton of Husky stuff that is not listed. You can email him and see if he has the stator. I think his user name is huskyrider. If you decide to pull the plug you can do well parting it out on that same site.

Also, you must have good neighbors or no neighbors to fire up a 360 at midnight.


Feb 19, 2002
Thanks Rev.
The PJ carb is on and it works great. I can see why the float bowl needed to be modified. That thing barely fits, but it fits.

My closest neighbor is close but hard of hearing. I only ran it for less than a minute. Today I took a midday run down the cul-de-sac and back. Can't wait til I get it out of town where it belongs.

Next I hope to clean the 88 up. After owning it for 15 years, I couldn't bear to part it out. Too clean. I very rarely see stuff for sale for that bike ( I haven't ever needed anything though). It was supposed to be Husky's best selling bike ever in the states. That may not take much, though.


May 25, 2001
I never saw much for the 360 either. But when my crank was shot he had one for about 1/2 the price of the shops. He has all the parts books and numbers. He either bought out a dealers inventory or has some other source. Anyway I'm glad you are pleased with the carb and good luck with the "little" husky.