
Mar 26, 2004
Hey I'm Chris. I have a 1982 Yamaha XJ650. The thing is the other day I rolled it out and took it for a short spin. Well I parked it and let it idle for a few minutes. When I came back the bike stalled and I could not get it started again. Come to find out there is now no spark. I found there is power getting to the coils however, no spark happens. It will roll over so I ruled out a weak battery. I brought new plugs for it but alas still nothing. Is there anyone who might have any suggestions what could be wrong? I figure it must be the pick-up coils or perhaps the ignitor pack which is very expensive. Does any one have parts they are willing to sell?
thank you chris(Then10)


Dec 24, 2001
I would first check kill switch,loose wiring somewhere,or bad ground,or maybe
the pickup coil has come loose and needs reset.The fact that it just run makes
me think its something even like a sparkplug if it sat there awhile idleing.


Mar 22, 2004
If you can check for power to the coils, the next thing you need to check for is pulse to the coils. I can't picture the bike's wiring in my head so I may be of no help. A coil needs power at all times (when starting/ or running), on the other side you need a pulse/ or "point break" to get a spark. If you have no pulse then you need to get a book and check some specs. Most books offer resistance specs. you will need an ohm meter to read them. I would first double check and make sure you have no spark. I have a neighbor who parked his 1980-something maxum for 1 year, and then ran it for a couple minutes and it died. To make a long story short, he was checking for spark on a silver painted bolt. <---- just a thought. bjawes
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