No Volts


Jul 21, 2001
Hopefully someone has already had this problem. I hooked my headlight back up the other day after not having it on for a few weeks and it wouldn't come on. I pulled the bulb out and used a 9 volt batt. and it worked fine. I checked the switch with a volt meter and it is working properly. I checked all of the connections on the wiring harness, no problem there. All the grounds look good. I tested the voltage at the bulb connector and I got a reading of less than a volt, so I pulled the flywheel cover off and it seems as if a lot of condensation has been forming inside so I cleaned it out with electrical cleaner to no avail. I know that the flywheel had a lot of corrosion on it so I'm figuring that the stator probablly isn't looking all that great either. I'm figuring that I have either a bad stator - corroded one, or a bad voltage regulator. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless.


Oct 14, 1999
Nope, haven't had that problem..

...but seems you've checked about everything but the stator itself. Take off the flywheel and check the connections to it. The lighting coil isn't nearly as protected as the ignition's just varnished transformer wire with no covering on it at all.

Checking it with an ohmmeter isn't going to tell you a whole lot, but at least would tell you if there's a high resistance problem on the stator/case connection.

You could take your voltage regulator out of the circuit to see if it's the problem. Take your bulbs out too when you check it. Don't know how high a voltage you get with no VR..but probably high enough to blow up your bulbs.

Check to see if there are any short problems on the tail light side of things. I don't read in your post that you checked for shorts in general. If you take your flywheel off so you can disconnect the stator, with the bulbs out you could check that out. With the stator connected (or the bulbs in) you get a 'short' most everywhere with a VOM.

Good luck.
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Jul 21, 2001

Thanks for the tips. I've checked for shorts on the taillight side and there doesn't seem to be any. I've pulled all the tape off of all the wires and I didn't see any chafed wires or unplugged wires. I think like you said my next step is to bypass the VR and to pull the flywheel off and check the connections on the stator. I'd be willing to bet money that it's my problem. I tryed to pull the flywheel off the other day and it seems as though I'm going to need a flywheel puller unless you know a trick without damaging it. Hopefully the local shop will let me use it for a few min. if I take the bike up there in the back of the truck. Any other tips are welcome and appreciated. Thanks Again.


Oct 14, 1999
re: flywheel pulling

Get the tool. Costs all of $10-12 at your local bike shop.

Don't know of any other way to get it off.

But..if you don't have one, haven't used one (just want to cover all the bases...not to be simple-minded) are aware that the flywheel has left hand threads? The puller is a concentric, oppositely threaded unit..LHT into the flywheel, RHT on the center bolt that applies pressure to the crank end.

If you try to take it off with handtools, you'll need something to hold the flywheel. I've not tried to take it off that won't be holding it by hand..and you don't want to be using any screwdrivers stuck in holes!

I use an impact wrench. DC or air, either one works fine.

Use thread lock when you put it back on. Tighten to spec!! (at least). My riding buddy had his off awhile back to put in a lighting coil. His DC impact was a bit low on charge. It wasn't 1/2 a mile before he'd sheared his woodruff key!! You certainly are going NOwhere when that happens.

Depending on your lighting situation/ might want to think about replacing the lighting coil as long as you're in there. The stock unit won't run any aftermarket dual-headlight system (well..not without replacing the bulbs and disconnecting your taillight). They run around $80, last I looked.

Hope you get it pretty quick. Wiring problems stink!!

..well...imo and all that..........


May 21, 2001
I just added a aftermarket UFO headlight to my 92 kdx200. I bought the bike used and it didn't have the headlight. The ufo aftermarket one has a small fuse shaped bulb on top and a huge (car tail light style) bulb in the middle. The big bulb also has some sort of metal reflectors on the sides and bottom. Any way the top bulb works fine when I hook it up but it doesn't put out much light. The large bulb barely glows orange and the tail light goes out when i connect it. What is this a sign of? Can I increase the wattage of the top small bulb or decarease the other one to get the type of light that I need to ride home in the dark.


Jun 5, 2000
Unlike the OEM bulb, the UFO bulb probably has two filaments: Hi & Low beam (mine does). Are both of them glowing at the same time? Only one should be in use. Assuming '92s have a 12vdc bulb, get some alligator clip jumpers (Radio Shack) and use a car battery to test out the UFO to satisfy yourself you have it wired up right and it's not the problem.


May 21, 2001
BRush, thanks for the reply. I took a second look at the wires, and wiring. I didn't have it wired right. I had the wires to both filiments connected, so instead of trying to burn one 35w light I was trying to burn two 35w filiments. With just one it is very, very bright. Thanks for the help.
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