

Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I made my way to OctoberTest in Disney, OK. It was my first Trials event and I really didn't know what to expect. I got a late start and missed sign up, so I just spent the day following groups around to the different section.
Section I was a log section. The logs each 18" in diameter were laid out like spokes in a huge wagon wheel. Watching the various classes go thru I saw many techniques, some better than others. When opportunity presented itself, I made a pass. Log crossings have always been my achillies heel. This was no different except I had an exert giving me tips after my first miserable attempt. I made a couple of more passes and at least know how to work on the technique.
Hogan's Off Road park is at the base of Grand Lake Dam. It is a trials bike heaven. Virtually every section had rock from gravel size to house size. I continued the sections trying the novice lines and watching as many riders as possible. I'll enter the next event that I can and have a go at it.
The best part of the event was the pros. Pat and Phil Smadge were there. They had spent the week with my first local contact into Trials. These guys are phenomenal to say the least. In the regular sections, they showed great prowess with no hesitation. But they really shined in the demonstration sections at the end of the day. OMG!!!!!!!!!!:yikes:
The pros traversed the most insane obstacles I've ever seen. Pat Smadge pulled off a leap that was outstanding. He took his loaner Sherco and leaped six feet vertically. I'm not talking splatter, but leap. With a half bike length to the obstacle, a watermellon sized rock in front of him, his front wheel resting on the watermellon sized rock, he revved the bike to the moon, slipped the clutch to bring the bike into a wheelie, brought the rear wheel onto the rock, loaded the rear suspension and then leaped! His rear tire made it to just below the top of the vertical climb and he motored right up and stopped. Of the other pros that made it, they all splattered with a bang on the bash plate.
Steve Krabill was there and we had a chance to visit. I look forward to riding with Steve in the near future. I went home and skipped the second day but all I can say is, Wow! Like many off road groups, they people were great, friendly and willing to help everyone just because they asked.
Superb event and can't wait for the next one.


May 10, 2006
I'm really glad you had a great time. The next local NEOTT event is November 18th at Appalacha Bay. You ought to try to make that one. It'll be fun.

I was a judge both days, so I didn't get to run around and watch the pros at all the different sections, but of course I got to see them all go through the sections I was judging. Great guys, every single one of them. Friendly, courteous, and of course amazing riders. I got to help Kieth Wineland find his coolant leak. That guy rides the piss out of that 4 stroke :laugh:

I had a great weekend competing and wound up with 2nd overall in my class. Not to shabby if I do say so myself, although the kid who beat me for 1st place was only 11 years old :laugh: I gotta get some more practice in.

The crowd at the exhibition

Kinda fuzzy, but that is Pat Smage - our current #1 pro rider

Dustin Hedwall on his way up

Dustin on his way back down

At the bottom

Up, up, up

Will Ibsen going up. He cleaned this whole section, btw. Amazing.

Will on section 2 of the exhibition coming off a rock

Pat Smage on section 2

Pat again. This is the last pic I took. I do have a few short video clips, though.

Pat video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUn3g62cRi4


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
AWESOME! Thanks for the pics!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Pat, that incline is 80 degrees. The shot of Dustin Hedwell going down is about 10' before the 180 degree turn on the small ledge by the water. The video of Pat Smadge is from that ledge going up. Phenomenal!
I'll do my best to make Appalachia Bay, 15 miles from my house.


May 10, 2006


Mar 27, 2005
Thanks, Krabill, for those shots.

I'll make sure that the Ibsen's see them; we're suppose to get together with them soon.

Awesome stuff that these guys can do on a bike, huh!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
That last video is the one I was discribing. Pat use the little rock to the right to launch off.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Will Ibsesn did awsome. Quite acclomplished.
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