Oh no, not another green horn!


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
I have yet to ride it, steering head bearing is shot, I'm waiting on parts. It took a few hours to get the rusted, nasty bottom bearing off the steering shaft! UGH!!
I've also replaced the chain with a o-ring, and replaced the 13 and 47 sprockets.
I have not had a bike since I was 14-15 years old, I'm now 36. My biggest bike before this was a '73 Yamaha LT3 100 so I think the 200 will be just fine!

Since I can't ride it at the moment I have decided to get more acquainted with the bike. I've taken most of the plastic off, and I'm in the process of cleaning it. I opened up the airbox and cleaned it, it was full of mud and gunk.
I hope to get a service manual soon, So I can figure out how to fix everything.
Looks like I need to put new fork seals in the left fork, I hope that is not to difficult. I noticed a trail of oily gunk running down the left fork and on to the brake caliper. The caliper was all gunked up so I took it apart and cleaned it, and I put it back together.... amazing! We'll see if it still works...

See ya

harry monza

Sep 28, 2002
Mate I wa off dirt bikes for 20 odd years and I can tell you the KDX 200 is just the bike to get back into it.
Light just enough power and handles lik a dream.
You"ll have a ball.
Best of luck and have a great time on a great bike.

Harry in OZ


Jul 12, 2002
Good man, it`ll be good for you to get back in the saddle. If i was you i would definately replace both fork seals too.


Oct 14, 1999
Required reading (well, it should be...):

The thread stuck to the top of this forum..'Every kdx rider should read...'.

..will take you to CDave's site. Lots of good information regarding modifications, maintenance and jetting info. Unbeatable!!


Oct 14, 1999

Drop me a note (email) if you want to run around johns peak some weekend. If you're not familiar with the area it's easy to get 'misplaced'. Can't count the number of times I've heard, 'Uh...Where am I??'

Timber mtn. hare scrambles coming up next month. May day poker run, too.

Now is the time to ride up there. The BLM is looking to 'manage' the area (read: shut most of it down). Action plan due by 6/04.

Forecast for this weekend looks nasty. Don't mind wet so much, but pouring down rain/snow isn't something we commonly ride in. Prefer saturday, but this sunday looks better right now.

Let me know if you're interested.

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