Oil from vent tube on air filter?


May 5, 2001
What would cause so much oil to come out the vent tube above the air filter that it actually drips through the airbox and onto the swingarm? I mostly do woods riding with a lot of roots. Lots of wheelies to carry the front end over the roots but this seems ridiculous :bang: . This is on a 1990 kdx 200.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
My old 1990 KDX did the same thing, even when it was new. It seemed to do it mostly on hot days. I never found out what caused it and it never caused me any trouble.


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002
I had (& still have to some degree) the same problem with my '90. I ended up having the cases split so that the main crank bearing seals could be replaced. While it was apart, I ended up with a new con rod and bearings as they were pretty tired. The theory was that the seals were worn allowing the crankcase to pressurize the tranny. This presure vents outs the tube and takes along some tranny fluid with it. It lessened the amount of oil in the airbox, but didn't stop it completely. I ended up routing the tube down the swingarm with the carb overflow tubes. I change the oil after every weekend of riding and watch the site between rides to avoid a low oil situation.


Mar 16, 2004
My Wife's 89 200 used to do that and i'm sure you ride harder than she did! It was annoying because it used to drip as you say but never really caused a problem.


May 5, 2001
Well it looks like I'll just continue to live with it. I'll probably go ahead and reroute the line , thanks for the suggestion.


Feb 17, 2005
Are you talking about filter oil? I cleaned the filter an reoiled it (on a CR125) and oil just kepr dripping out. It really surprised me that the air filter oil was dripping so much, until I was talking to Ron at RB Carbs one day. He told me to be sure not to over oil my filter. Huh? I was taught to oil it until it would not take any more oil! He told me that most people over oil their air filter, and that you only need a small amount, the smallest amount that you can make spread over the entire filter, and you should definately not be able to squeeze any out.
This certainly was the reason oil was dripping out of my airbox on to the swingarm, could this be the case with your bike?


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
No, it is not filter oil.

The crank case vent tube is routed into the airbox near the top. Occasionally some oil sprays into the airbox through this tube and onto the top of the filter itself. I supposed if enough entered the airbox, eventually it would drain out the bottom.


May 5, 2001
No,mine isn't air filter oil. I run type f trans fluid and that is what is dripping from the vent tube, down the side of the filter. Rerouted the vent tube last night, adding a piece to make a loop at the top and then back down with the carb vent tubes like was suggested above.
Went riding today and that definately fixed my drip problem. Unfortunately my oil sight glass was looking cloudy. I knew my water pump seal was leaking because I was getting water in my trans oil and was VERY cloudy. So, I changed the water pump seal yesterday, and hopefully what i'm seeing now is just residue from the seal originally leaking. Or maybe it's time to split the cases and replace gaskets and seals.....
Maybe tomorrow I'll get the oil changed again and see how it looks.


May 25, 2005
Just bought a 90, and it does it too. I guess it's like a scottoiler for your air filter? ha ha

Seems like it's normal, especially if you add the full quart.

What I would like to ask is why does it whiz gas all over the ground if I tip the bike 15 degrees?

Just getting on it in the garage causes it to spill gas on the floor...


May 5, 2001
Have never had a problem leaking gas. Where is it leaking from? If it is coming out the carb vent line,check the float level in the carb.


May 25, 2005
It leaks out the vent tube but only when tipped over slightly. Its OK on the sidestand, but any angle greater than that and it just POURS out.

I will check the float level, thanks!


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002

Check to make sure that your carb is level in the intake. I think if it is rotated, especially to the kickstand side, that when you lean the bike to climb aboard you may be overflowing the carb bowl causing your fuel spill. Just a thought...


Did you check the water pump shaft for any grooves? I've heard that if your shaft is grooved even a new seal can still leak. Again, just a thought...
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