Omnibus Land Grab Act of 2008


Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
done it...also to all my riding buddies...


Jan 27, 2000
Done Wolf.

Thanks for posting that.

With Harry Reid and Pelosi in office, we are going to have a very hard time turning this kind of crap around. :bang:

Doesn't mean we shouldn't try though. :cool:


May 10, 2007
The list is growing pretty good! I had trouble finding myself, lol.


Feb 1, 2008
Vote This Weekend Possibly?

It's coming up for a vote according to this email I received today:

Harry Reid to Force Vote On Omnibus Land Grab This Weekend

The Omnibus Federal Land Grab Bill Number is now S. 22

Urgent Action Required

You must call your Senators immediately. They must be deluged with calls now at
(202) 224-3121.

If you live in California Senator Feinstein could be swayed in our favor. She
needs to hear from You.

You should also call your Congressman. The bill will have to go back through
the House if it passes the Senate.

All Senators may be called at (202) 224-3121. All Congressmen may be called at
(202) 225-3121. They must know in no uncertain terms that rural America opposes
this massive Wilderness and land grab bill.

You must let your Senators and Congressman know you will hold them responsible
for their vote on S. 22. This is the largest land grab in 20 years. They must
know they will be held accountable.

Now is not the time to be locking up our resources when we need them to help
rebuild our economy.

Please forward this message to as many people as possible as quickly as

For more information on this bill see: Omnibus_HR5151_E-mail.pdf

You are subscribed to the Advocates for Access to Public Lands mailing list.


Feb 1, 2008
It's probably better to place calls if this is going to be voted on today, but the website that Rich put up has this handy form which will allow you to send a pre-written (or compose your own) email on the subject directly to your officials. All you have to do is type in your zip code, select which officials you want to email, then type in your data and hit send. It's very nifty and easy. It's better than nothing at all.

Here's the link direct to the rapid response page. Thanks Rich.


Feb 1, 2008
After you put in your zip code, All your elected officials pop up. One by one you select your Federal representatives, then click the contact tab.

On the contact tab are methods of contact. In teeny print is a "contact via webform" link. Click on that (not the website link) and you get the precomposed letter, or the opportunity to write your own freehand on the subject.

Sorry if this is too take you by the hand. Just trying to make it easy for you to do.

And if you save your name and address data, each time you reclick to the next elected official it will autofill that in. It makes this very very easy to do.

Here's that link again.
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