Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I pulled up to a stop sign and didn't quite stop, typical rolling stop. Well, I got pulled over.
So, I handed the officer my driver's license, insurance card, and my concealed carry permit.
The officer asked, "Mr. Swift, are you carrying today?"
"Indeed, I am."
"What do you have on you?"
"Well, I have a .45 auto in my shoulder holester, a .38 special in my coat pocket, and a .22 darringer in my pants pocket."

"Is that all?", he asked.

"No, I have an AR15 and a 12 guage in the trunk."

"Are you on your way to the range or heading back home?"


"Mr. Swift, what are you afraid of?"



dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
im plagiarizing that one LOL


Jan 27, 2000
Good answer. ;) :laugh:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I needed a good laugh today! :cool: :cool:


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
That's some funny stuff ... :rotfl:

Until recently, the most dangerous thing I've owned is a pair of nose hair scissors (OK, the 450 is more dangerous, I guess). I've never felt in enough danger to need a gun nearby or even a sharp knife.

It kills me when I read some of the internet garbage that the need for a gun is justified "because meth zombies are bouncing off your walls and you need to shoot them quick ... the bigger the caliber, the better, because zombies don't die easy ... you've seen the movies" or how about " you're walking down the street with your daughter walking 20 feet in front of you and someone walks up and points a gun at her head". Jeez, you better be packing a gun or you're an irresponsible parent. If they were responsible, they would move to a better neighborhood. It's paranoid fruit loops like this that will get all of our gun rights taken away.

OK, that being said, when Obama was taking office about 2 years back, there was a fear that he would make guns tough to get --- so -- I went out and bought myself a nice Glock 17 (9 mm). :laugh: I've always liked guns and all my friends and relatives were gun crazy. Heck, one cousin even shot his brothers leg clean off above the knee with a 12 gauge. Today, he walks with barely a limp on his artificial leg ... simply amazing
Aside from recreational target shooting and maybe hunting, I see no need for having a gun for self defense. Well, maybe the exception would be an "anarchy" situation, where there was a large earthquake or nuclear attack or some other calamity causing lawlessness and looting by people who want your stuff (food, etc.)

So that's where I'm at .... what will my next gun? Guns are useless without ammo, so maybe the logical choice would be 22 LR. You can stock up on a 1000 rounds fairly cheap and you could carry 1000 rounds with you (I think). Yeah, it's only a pea shooter, but any smart looter doesn't want to be shot by a 22. And maybe I could shoot the racoon that lives in the sewer and eat him when food runs low.

Obsessions start so innocently .... :p


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
holeshot said:
So that's where I'm at .... what will my next gun? Guns are useless without ammo, so maybe the logical choice would be 22 LR. You can stock up on a 1000 rounds fairly cheap and you could carry 1000 rounds with you (I think). Yeah, it's only a pea shooter, but any smart looter doesn't want to be shot by a 22. And maybe I could shoot the racoon that lives in the sewer and eat him when food runs low.

Obsessions start so innocently .... :p

I told an ex Airborne Ranger friend of mine that I was thinking about getting something like a 9mm for when the Armageddon starts, but he advised against it.

He told me I'd be better served by something that shot a larger pattern. Something in the range of a pump 12 gauge.

More kills with less shots. Just sayin.


Feb 21, 2007
"When Armageddon starts?" Come on people, drop the end of the world psycho babble. That crap has been spouted for millennia, and it was just as wrong all of those times as it is when people say it now.

The end of the world is a farce. The end of OUR species is more likely, primarily due to self-fulfilling prophecies, but this planet will be here a h3ll of a lot longer than we can even begin to comprehend, just as it has...
Apr 30, 2007
holeshot said:
It kills me when I read some of the internet garbage that the need for a gun is justified "because meth zombies are bouncing off your walls and you need to shoot them quick ... the bigger the caliber, the better, because zombies don't die easy ... you've seen the movies" or how about " you're walking down the street with your daughter walking 20 feet in front of you and someone walks up and points a gun at her head". Jeez, you better be packing a gun or you're an irresponsible parent. If they were responsible, they would move to a better neighborhood. It's paranoid fruit loops like this that will get all of our gun rights taken away.

OK, that being said, when Obama was taking office about 2 years back, there was a fear that he would make guns tough to get --- so -- I went out and bought myself a nice Glock 17 (9 mm). :laugh: I've always liked guns and all my friends and relatives were gun crazy. Heck, one cousin even shot his brothers leg clean off above the knee with a 12 gauge. Today, he walks with barely a limp on his artificial leg ... simply amazing
Aside from recreational target shooting and maybe hunting, I see no need for having a gun for self defense. Well, maybe the exception would be an "anarchy" situation, where there was a large earthquake or nuclear attack or some other calamity causing lawlessness and looting by people who want your stuff (food, etc.)

That's an interesting viewpoint, but I have to point out that some people just can't afford to live in a nice quiet neighborhood.

I grew up in a nice spot outside of town, and I did a little shooting/plinking/hunting with my brother, which was maybe once a year, or when we had a rabid skunk or muskrat come into the yard and harass our pets.

Then I tried my hand at shooting a full size shotgun when I was only 8 years old. I was so small that I could barely reach the trigger, and it knocked me flat on my back, and I was scared of shooting guns for the next few years.

Fast forward about ten years, and I found myself living in the only apartment building I could afford in town for school (on campus living would've cost me a good 3,000 more). After a mere week of living there, I invested in a stout piece of rebar to keep by my door, since I had some SERIOUS problems with people that frequented the area.

After some really really drunk old guy tried to push his way inside my door when I was leaving for class, I decided that enough was enough. (That guy was in and out of jail so many times it wasn't even funny). The rebar was fairly useless since I didn't have the room to swing it in that tiny room/doorway, so I started shopping for something, ANYTHING that I could use to keep myself safer.

I bought a thick bladed hunting knife for 20 bucks. It was all I could afford. It helped some, but a few months later, I had an angry guy break through my door and beat the crap out of me, and carve some less than nice things on my back with my own knife.

Then, as a gift, I was given a crappy little .22 pistol.

It rarely left my side. When my apartment flooded in the spring, and I was making repeated trips outside (ruined stuff, door unlocked and open to let things air out), that old drunk wandered in while I was taking a half minute rest. I was pretty shocked to see him there since I hadn't heard him come in. When I pointed my crappy little gun in his direction and gave an angry "HEY!!!" He bolted quicker than I figured a person could even move.

I never had problems with him again. In fact, I think he told a few people, since the little town druggies never bothered my door again. I still picked up a little shotgun last Christmas, just in case.

This summer, I had a miserable time with drug traffic through the halls of my apartment (different one). That shotgun became a very trusty friend. Violent Hispanic gang member drug dealers will stop their yelling and pounding on your door when they hear that telltale "shuck-shuck."

I respect and value firearms.
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