One of the dumbest things I've ever seen...


Mar 6, 2001
Ok, so I occasionally visit the Pismo Dunes here in CA, sometimes to ride in the day, sometimes just to hang out with friends and have a fire or go tackle the dunes in my friends truck. Well, two weekends ago, I was at the dunes around dusk and we were just hanging out, when suddenly I see a family of quads roll by. There were about 4 quads and 7 people. Three quads had 2 riders each, and only half of them were wearing helmets! And they were haulin' a**! Most of them were children too, probably no older than 13. Then, as if this weren't shocking enough, later I see a quad with THREE kids on it, and only one person was wearing a helmet!

I've read about this before here on DRN, but never actually seen anything like it. Don't these people know the laws or even common sense? I'm surprised no one got killed. Especially riding like that at night with unknowns over every dune. I just think people need to be more informed about safety when they purchase any offroad machine.



Jan 17, 2001
Most of the time I see somebody riding something without a helmet, they are on a quad..... Why, I just don't know. :silly:


Apr 1, 2001
The sad thing is, when they die they become an 'off-road' statistic, conveniently lumped in with the rest of us. It hurts our image too!:think


Jun 5, 2001
Quads, can't find the right words just yet. Give me time.


Jan 1, 2001
The problem with wearing a helmet and riding a quad is that the chin guard makes it hard to drink your beer. And if you stop suddenly cause your dog ran in front of the quad, your sweetie sitting behind you might bump her head into your helmet.

Lee W.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
once when we were at the dunes, a few of us were hydroplaning ponds on our bikes. well the quad guys gathered around and watched for awhile. they decided that they wanted to try it too. if you've ever tried it, you know that you have to hit the water in fifth, tapped out. well, these quad guys started trying it in maybe third gear, way too slow. every one of them endo'd at least once. one broke his shoulder. some were not wearing helmets. an older guy (probably about 50) with a kid (maybe 13) on the back tried it (with the kid on). he was maybe going 25 mph. he made it about ten feet into the water before they both went over the bars. no helmets, of course. luckily neither got hurt but the older guy never could find his glasses that fell off. what were these guys thinking?


Jul 3, 2001
Its the same around here, I always encounter them. 1 or 2 poeple on each quad, flying through the bush with no helmet or any other protection to speak of. Its usually a husband and wife on each quad or somtimes a father and his son/daughter with no helmet!! At the very least, put a bicycle helmet on the kid. As it states in my signature, I dont really mind quads (mostly because Ive never really ridden one) but its the people riding them that tick me off. They have no common sence, they just ride straight up the center of a logging road, and around blind corners without a care in the world. They really get to me when the make ME almost crash because of their stupid antics.

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
We were out last weekend and met up with a (not so) happy couple riding along the river, both without brain buckets on.
They came up to a bank that was a little difficult to cross, apparently she had rolled there the day before, she then went on to graphically describe what she thought of him and his stupid trail and all the stupid fury animals in the forest. He then proceeded to lovingly tell her not to be such a pain in the butt(not exact words), and cross the bank:eek: After a short struggle she made her way through, and they were back on their merry way.
#1 Put on a frigg'n helmet!
#2 I couldn't believe that anybody would force another person, especially a loved one, to do something they are not comfortable with.
#3 This guy should know how lucky he is to have a partner who will share in this sport with him, and take better care, mentally and physically, to prolong this partnership for as long as he can.

Oh well, nobody ever said that those quad riders were brightest bulbs in the chandelier. Probably has something to do with not wearing a helmet :think

Mr Bandicoot

Aug 31, 2001
How can I put this nicely? Quad's are for people with no talent and/or brains! I know several people who own/ride quads and no matter how hard I try to convince them that they need to wear a brain bucket, it just doesn't ever sink into their thick skull...good thing their skull is so thick, cause someday their gonna need it when they hit that tree haulin' a**.

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
I just think people need to be more informed about safety when they purchase any offroad machine.

I'm not sure how much more infornmed they could be? if they bought it new the dealership is required by law to go over all the safety issues as well as give them official pamphlettes on proper safety equipment and its correct useage? The "buyer" also has to sign these papers that they have read and understand them.
Every ad for an ATV shows riders with helmets..and streses thier importance.

My guess is..if your not smart enough to figure out a helmet is a VERY good idea when riding or operating any vehicle of this type..
WITHOUT someone telling you this..
then you are quite likely to ignore any information provided to you.
There are no need of laws to protect us from ourselves...i'm CERTAIN everyone you saw riding - even a 13 year old -
knows its not smart to ride without head protection.

If not..then i agree totally with Dr billz and others lol
..its just natures way of thinning the heard for its own good :p

of course- i really feel they should take the part of the warning label
off of super glue that states to NOT put it in your eyes as well..
sometimes stupidity is painful and should be! ;)


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
I always liked Honda's outlook on the situation (I'm sure you've seen it in magazines) put bluntly it states "stupid hurts" :silly:


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
I've got a stupid four wheelie story that tops that one. It happened back in the mid eighties on board one of the first Polaris Trail Boss. I would tell it, but I was heavily involved in the stupidity. Maybe I'll tell it someday. It's a hoot and nobody died.:) I don't consider myself to be overly stupid, so it really must be the vehicles that cause the problems.:confused:


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
It's simply nature's way of "cleansing the species".


Hey chooch--you live in a beautiful area of the country. What'd it take to get ya to go roost around at the Hearst mansion?;)


Sep 14, 2001
I spend time on both types of machines. I must say that i have seen allot of the things mentioned above but I have also seen some very stupid things on bikes as well. Visit any local motocross race and watch the "pit antics" and fahters of mini racers. That pretty near sums it up!(my fatherraces 4 wheelers in the missouri hare Scrambles with all of his saftey gear). I am 35 years old with a mini rider as well. 27 years riding.:)


May 21, 2001
Here's my story
I was at my local dealer about a month ago, and I met a guy (17) who said he races street bikes. He mentioned that he also owns a cr80. I was at our local area about two weeks ago, and this kid was there. He was wearing goggles. No helmet, just goggles. He was racing us down this 100 yard drag race straight with a 20 foot jump at the end. I was convinced he was going to kill himself. He was fast. He beat me (that doesn't say much), but he also beat my faster friend (who has an rm125). This idiot was also doing the wheelies where you fall off the back of the bike and run behind it. There are just some truely stupid people in this world.

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
I think it really comes down to having a false sense of security. Big, stable,quad easy to just hop on press the gas and putt away. Puny, harmless, cute little mini, to small to do any damage to an adult. Yeah right! That nice stable quad will be on top of you quicker than you can blink an eye, and as for those cute little minis those little rippers can turn on ya and bite you in the arse just as quick! I'm sure there are a lot of dads that can attest to that. When I was a kid my dad drove my bike half way up the garage wall :eek:
Where I think real stupidity comes in is when I see some of these guys on street bikes wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and a pair of sandals or guys doubling their swim-suit wearing girlfriends, it gives me some real bad images when I see it.


Nov 4, 2000
Originally posted by Julius Pleaser
Spoken like an Alabama native. ;)

Of course, before, " Hey y'all, watch this", there is always the phrase, " Hey, Bubba, hold onto my suds for a minute while I show'em sumpin."

Like FC22 said, natural selection at work. I just hope they stay away from where I am riding! Hate for one idiot to drag me into the statistics. Oh, wait, it may me too late for that . . .:D
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