Coincidental to the post on Bill Smith's Dad and his struggle with pancreatice cancer with mets to the liver, today marks the one-year mark since my liver transplant, and my (so far) win against my battle with cancer.
I talked to my brother at 6:30pm tonight, the exact time I was wheeled out of surgery into intensive care after starting surgery at 10:00am. My wife chimed in that at that time John was awake from his surgery, and was asking his nurse to order him a pizza.
About the time I'm writing this, I was asking MY nurse for some water balloons to throw across the room at John. Needless to say the drugs we were using had something to do with our ridiculous requests.
Now? Heck, I feel GREAT!! It's taken most of a year, but I feel the best I've felt in about 5 years. Can't wait to ride this weekend!!!
I've been thinking about Bill's dad a lot, and feel that he'll be able to rejoice in a miracle of recovery as well.