
Feb 21, 2007
Big accomplishment. I bet it will drag economy out of the rut, world peace will ensue, and 2 strokes will be king once again when they're found to be "environmentally positive."

It will be heaven on earth, right?


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
"Obama said the remains had been handled in accordance with Islamic custom, which requires speedy burial."

That's convenient.

At least we didn't offend anyone.


Dec 31, 1969
Vic said:
That's convenient.

And also quite dumb... let the conspiracy theories begin. Why on earth didn't they keep the body long enough for some independent varification? This isn't exactly the country for taking the gov's word at face value.

If I put on the tinfoil hat? He's been gone since Tora Bora. The "O Show" is finally pulling out some political traction... for more Middle East action based on reprisals?


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
They buried A body at sea. You dont really believe they flushed that giant turd do ya? I'm sure they at least kept his head, fingers and toes. If they didn't say they flushed him 2 millions whack jobs would be uprising to get the ________.

pesky nz

Sep 13, 2010
on local news here they interviewed a high level Islamic who said Osama has done so many bad things and broaken most of their beliefs so he holds no grudge for the removal. so for me it's gone and soon to be forgotten


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Karma has seemingly came to another douche bag. But to stoop to his level? There are thousands already in his sandals, ready to go. Relief? I have more concern now than before. I hope I am around down the road, to see how history views this entire affair. His personal beliefs was akin to John Gacy's, the idiot that blew up Oklahoma, and on and on, so what. Our government answers to know one, how did they prove the deaths of any of the 9-11 hit list? Even the scum bag ex leader of Iraq? Ask the media? More questions than answers, but hopefully many that this directly effected, can get some sort of closure. It will not bring back all the innocent lives lost, and hopefully our soldiers can get home! We are in good with Pakistan?


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Yesterday morning I had breakfast with my dad at the local coffee (gossip) shop. Everyone of the men in there wanted to see proof. Yes, the conspiracy theories are flying already.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
an eye for an eye ... :)

If they had an intact body and displayed it to everyone it wouldn't make a whits bit of difference to the conspiracy folks.

There is talk of a body double.

I agree with the second post ...

It doesn't matter. The fight will go on.

Bush long ago marginalized OBL. It in sweet that he was finally taken out, but it was only because BHO broke most every promise he made during the presidential campaign.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Now serving #2! Alsawari, please step forward.


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
RM_guy said:
Turns out he's been dead for a while and they had him on ice until the right opportunity came around. Check it out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpBPVkpmoeg

So he has been dead and on ice since 2002 and the government has been waiting to use him at a political expedient time to bolster the government in the eyes of the people.

Now that's funny. There have been plenty of time in the last 9 years that I'm sure they would have pulled that card...lol


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Drink of the year -

two shots and a splash of salt water


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Okiewan said:

There is no real need to release them. If people claim that he must not be dead because they did not release photos it would be disproved in an instant by Bin Laden himself. All he would have to do it put out another video and that would show the world that the US lied and he is alive and well. The terrorist would jump all over this opportunity if it existed.

Hell, at this point if they did release photos the Conspiracy theory guys would just claim fake photos.


Dec 31, 1969
I'm sure there will be plenty of blow-back on these comments, just try to think beyond the obvious for a moment... cool? Food for thought... ya know? Just an opposing point of view about values, doing the right thing, etc. I'm just gonna throw this out.

Obama says "Trust me, he's dead", we just don't want to upset Islam. Really? They like to present us with videos cutting the head off Americans... we kill terrorists daily... right? Maybe we should stop killing them, wouldn't that make them even more happy?

I'm not one of those that thinks it's possible he's not actually dead.... I'm one of those that thinks it's entirely possible he's been dead for some time. He's been very useful in the "war on terror" after all (which is quite profitable), until a body shows-up, why not ride that pony for a while? I've not "made up my mind" one way or another, it is comical however to watch this gov story "evolve". I just happen to take things with a grain of salt until I see enough to convince me. Cynical? So be it.

Nevermind the guy deserves to die, it's still unconstitutional to assassinate, which by the "latest" gov story is exactly what happened... he wasn't armed (per the gov) and a team of Seals had no choice but to blow his head off? Really? They couldn't subdue the guy?

Make no mistake, I'm not going to miss the guy, but... we aren't supposed to put out hit orders. A 60+ old man with renal failure I'm sure posed a massive threat to the lowly Seals? They had no choice but to shoot? Really?

Sorry, the days of taking the gov story on face value are long gone. We are to believe the story with ZERO evidence? No body, no pics, no nada? Okay then, rejoice in the killing, it's all good. They'd never lie to us, would they?

What do I really think? I have no freaking idea. :whoa: "You can't handle the truth" comes to mind, sorry.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Okiewan said:
I'm sure there will be plenty of blow-back on these comments, just try to think beyond the obvious for a moment... cool? Food for thought... ya know? Just an opposing point of view about values, doing the right thing, etc. I'm just gonna throw this out.

Obama says "Trust me, he's dead", we just don't want to upset Islam. Really? They like to present us with videos cutting the head off Americans... we kill terrorists daily... right? Maybe we should stop killing them, wouldn't that make them even more happy?

I'm not one of those that thinks it's possible he's not actually dead.... I'm one of those that thinks it's entirely possible he's been dead for some time. He's been very useful in the "war on terror" after all (which is quite profitable), until a body shows-up, why not ride that pony for a while? I've not "made up my mind" one way or another, it is comical however to watch this gov story "evolve". I just happen to take things with a grain of salt until I see enough to convince me. Cynical? So be it.

Nevermind the guy deserves to die, it's still unconstitutional to assassinate, which by the "latest" gov story is exactly what happened... he wasn't armed (per the gov) and a team of Seals had no choice but to blow his head off? Really? They couldn't subdue the guy?

Make no mistake, I'm not going to miss the guy, but... we aren't supposed to put out hit orders. A 60+ old man with renal failure I'm sure posed a massive threat to the lowly Seals? They had no choice but to shoot? Really?

Sorry, the days of taking the gov story on face value are long gone. We are to believe the story with ZERO evidence? No body, no pics, no nada? Okay then, rejoice in the killing, it's all good. They'd never lie to us, would they?

What do I really think? I have no freaking idea. :whoa: "You can't handle the truth" comes to mind, sorry.



Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
"You can't handle the truth" comes to mind, sorry."
That pretty much sums it up. I do NOT trust this administration, period.
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