
Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
We parked a couple of KDX's about 4 years ago - jetted perfectly and running fine when we last rode in spring 2005. Kind of hung up the sport and the bikes stayed parked in the basement until this weekend. My son is home from college and wanted to get them out and get back into the woods.

We removed the carbs, pulled off the bowls and floats, cleaned out the main and pilot jets, rinsed out the gas tanks and mixed up a fresh batch of fuel. One started on the first real kick and the other on maybe 4 or 5. Both ran okay for a few minutes but would then get real boggy and finally shutdown like they were starving for fuel. Would only start on choke and several kicks.

Any ideas on what to check next? My main concern is perhaps a case seal is leaking.

Just for reference:
Patient #1 is an '02 KDX with an FMF -30 Desert pipe jetted 155/42 and I think I have a CEK needle in there, middle clip.
Patient #2 is an '03 KDX with stock pipe and 158/45 and I believe we have a BEM needle, middle clip.


Oct 27, 2008
you may just have to clean again sometimes things are in the petcock/ fuel line you just can't see and make there way to the carb.

I call them crusties and with 2stroke mix sitting for that long you may have some jelly like stuff too..

I bet thats it though


Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
Well, I don't have a real definitive answer but you guys may be right. We repeated the strip & clean process the next morning and they seem okay now.

Hopefully we'll get them into the woods next weekend and see for sure whether they are back to the same old groove. ;)


Oct 27, 2008
thats why I like to run seafoam through the petcock and into the carb and let setup till morning when I bring an old bike home.. alot of times I don't even need to remove the carb just drain and add gas!!
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