Jan 6, 2001
Last weekend I was trying to overlap the throttle and front brake to try to stay in a berm. Anybody out there do this succesfully?There must be a technique to it that I'm just not using. Do you just barley touch the brake when you do this? Is it a gradual braking process? This just seem to make my horrible choppy riding style even worse. Any tips will probably help.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 16, 2000
You need to keep practicing and develop a feel for it. Use one finger either your index or middle finger. How hard you drag it depends on the conditions. Try to be smooth with it I like to drag my front and rear going into a rutted turn. If the conditions are soft (like sand ) DON'T do it. It will make the front tuck.

Try riding in a straight line and lightly feather the front brake and throttle at the same time. After a while you get the hang of the coordination involved.
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