Paragon ride review, May3rd & 4th!.

Who put a poll here?

  • Gomer did it trying to merge posts from the planning thread

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Little gremlins who ask silly questions

    Votes: 6 66.7%

  • Total voters


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
I posted a few pictures from the first day of this ride for those who weren't able to make the link for my pictures below


Dec 3, 2001
I've been thinking of riding there, and was wondering if my bike was even alowed in. I thought I read a while ago that you needed a spark arrestor? I got a cr125 with a silencer like the fmf shorty, will that not work?


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
Hey, it was good riding with you guys Saturday. Nice pics Dan. The conditions were great! I'll get a ride report together and post it in the ride report forum.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 25, 2002
Boy what a dope I am. Looks like great day. Guys don't let stay home for the next one. I would rather have my wife mad at me than to miss another one. :whiner:


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Dummy me forgot my Drivers license at Paragon. I left a message for them so they dont run around looking for me. :(

What a great 2 days of riding and get this, I DIDNT GET HURT!!!!!! Or break my bike. I'll post more later when i get unpacked.

Flying Scot

Oct 13, 2002
:yeehaw: Had a great time riding. Thanks to PapaKeith, Squeaky Girl and Treejumper for the introductions to the group. Trig, I wish I could have hung around Sunday to see you scratch up that tank. :thumb:

Wife has been talking about how much fun she had riding and how freakin cold she was Saturday night, funny my kids and I were toasty warm and slept like logs. Both kids are raving about their day with the Dirt Riders and can't wait 'til the next time.

Yeah, I know the brown street jacket has to go ! The pictures prove it.

One last thing, IF there is a nomination for a Woos award or equivelant ( Nancy award ) I will take it. I told my bud Phil there was no way I was going to attempt one of the hills until I have more experience riding. I took my son to lunch and 20 minutes later when everyone else came back, I was told that my wife did it on my daughter's  XR100 which she rode all day. This doesn't sound to bad until you know the facts - Her previous experience on a dirtbike was riding around on a PW50 and XR70 in the back yard and last week using the clutch for the first time for 5 minutes on the XR100.  So after 2 hours of riding she went up a hill I would't do ! :worship:

Wife and Kids would like to say ' hey ! ' to all the good people and thanks for 2 good nights camping and one great day of riding. :thumb:
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2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Guess who did what? This was the first day.


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2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
If you havent guessed its RM_guy and this is day 2. :laugh:

Here's some pics i took at the camp ground/ trail head.

Click here for pics.


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Aug 12, 2001
Man the arm is looking good. I am just glad when I came around the corner I found you sitting on the log and not the ground with that branch threw your arm.
Hope it feels better.
Bill our submarine captain if you are around let us know how things turn out with the bike. Kevin has your helmet and stuff.
I am bad with names so thanks to every one for a great day on Saturday. Got a chance to see some nice crashes, then put a dent in the frame of the XR myself. Hey you’re not ridding until you crash.
RV6junkie what’s the deal with the '01 XR50 FOR SALE?? Send me an email at [email protected]
Steve from Albany if ya see this keep the email address so we can plan a ride in your neck of the woods.
When’s the next ride?????
Hope to see ya soon


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
well, we just made it home.
Tree Jumper, don't feel too bad. Squeaky remembered that she forgot her license only when she read your post.
We had an awesome time!
It was great to see old friends, and to meet some new ones.
very tired. . . must sleep now.



Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002

If she can go without driving for a month, I can pick up her liscense and bring it to Southwick with me :laugh: 

I'm sure they will mail them out to both of you, but if there is a problem, I will pick them up for you and send them.....for a small fee of course ;)


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
I've got my license, so you'll have to strike a deal with her. I hope they didn't scour Paragon looking for her. :o
Tree jumper, and scooter. Nice pics. Keep em coming!:thumb:
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Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
As long as all the vehicles were gone from the lot, they just figure somebody forgot to check out.......they get a few a month who leave them.   They need to put a BIG sign by the exit to remind people to check out and get their liscense.

I only got a few pictures today, but I will post them tomorrow.
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Jul 4, 2001
Riding at this place gives you a new outlook on life every time.
I could not make it on Saturday and I know I missed a great day. I came up to the campground late on Saturday evening and spent a great night with some beer and my spodes. Some new and some old.

Flyinn' Scot and his wife w/ 2 kids were a blast. I learned some new English from Scotland that does not translate well into American english. He likes to "puff on a ........................(we wont go there!) His wife(sorry, forgot the name) froze her butt off in a tent and she let him know it ,but she had the right, it was cold!

PapaKeith brought along SqueakyGirl, Samantha, and to watch her ride was incredible being it was her first big ride. She took on everything we threw at her and never backed down. To see what she tackled and to watch her confidence and experience grow was a reminder to what this ride was all about, FUN! Thanks for coming.

Daniel Joseph and his crew, I didnt get to spend much time with them but thanks for coming. PAThumperGuy and his bud were a blast at the campsite. Thanks! WoodsRider, DirtyBiker and Eugene stopped by the campsite for a little bull session. Thanx!
Rohnman and Knobbiethrower, always a pleasure! Dave and Lori always make for an interesting day but I think Dave(OffRoadWarrior) was a little off pace today for he did not really torture us! RmGuy got the, OH MAN THATS GOT TO HURT AWARD! He earned it with that bruise. TreeJumper and JasonJ were new guys and I hope you can make it to some more rides. It was a pleasure to camp and ride with you!

I think I should get an award for the stupid attempt I tried at Bunny Hopping a water hole. I will let someone else tell the story and please attach pics!

Last but not least There is Eugene. This guy came from the Czech Republic and is super cool! He gets the Torture Award for leading us on this God Forsaken trail of boulders for the last ride of the day. He gives OffRoadWarrior a run for the money.
All I got to say is " I followed the crazy Czech HA HA, I followed the crazy Czech Hey Hey, I followed the crazy Czech He HE, HA HA, HO HO, Hey Hey I followed the crazy Czech!" Thanks Eugene!

I think I covered everyone except Scooter which I didnt hook up with til I was a 1/4 mile from leaving the parking lot. Next time buddy. Thanks everyone for the memories!


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Well i just spent an hour typing a ride report but had too many smilies (what can i say i had fun) and when i went back to delete afew it lost my message. :p I'll do one later as i have to go unload the bike before it storms. Its getting dark outside but i'm glad the rain held off til today.

PK, tell Squeaky great minds must think alike! :) O, tape is going in the mail and if anyone else wants a copy, just PM or email me at totlxtc@csonline leaving your name and address. The helmet camera footage cuts out just after the boulder BS at the top of Howe hill. So sorry Dave it doesnt have your trials bike show. Good thing is it doesnt have my faceplant into the dirt either. :yeehaw:
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Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003

PK, tell Squeaky great minds must think alike! :) [/B]

Oh they do...

Thanks to everyone...especially those of you that rode with me! I had a blast and can't wait until next time! Maybe I won't fall/stall/be slow the next time!

I definetely became a better rider this weekend, I never would've dared half the stuff I did must've been the beer the night before!!!

Scooter...if I could strike a deal with you to get my license I'd appreciate it...It's tough being a 21 year old w/o an ID. :worship:

Thanks again to everyone...It was great to finally meet you guys!


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
Sorry I missed you at the campground Trigger but Saturday was just about perfect. I brought three other riders with me; Rich, Dwayne (first time out in 20 years!) and Rich’s brother in-law Kevin who was on a 15 year-old Suzuki ATV that had the snot kicked out of it.

In all I think we had about 27 or so launch at 10:30…what a sight! What always amazes me about Paragon is that the trails can be bone dry (they were, I coughed up about a pound of dust) but there are puddles (lakes) that are 3 or more feet deep. Just ask (insert name here!) on the KX 250 who played submarine and had to be pulled out by a Kevin on his trashed quad.

I followed RM-Guy and a group of about 7 down a very steep hill. As we were descending this hill I was thinking to myself “wow, this is rather steep…I’d rather be going down it than up it”. We get down to the bottom and everyone says “al’right…let’s go up”. What a great hill. Turns out that this was the now (in)famous Howe Hill. The funny thing was that we all followed a trail down the hill but when we got to the top there was no trail to be found. So we all made our own individual trail out.

It was a GREAT ride. If you sat it out for any reason, shame on you. You can make it up by presenting yourself as a complete spode at the next ride. I hope it’s SOON.

Flying Scot

Oct 13, 2002
Hey the Czech subscribed spotted his name a minute ago. - eugeneorange

Maybe we can get his opinion on the ride this weekend. My post will be moving over shortly. Trig, my darling wife goes by the name Eileen.

Again We all had a blast and will be going back a few more times this year. :yeehaw:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
I don't know if you guys really want me posting my ride report here or not...It's LOOOOONG!!! I am still writing it actually and I'm on my second page in Word...ya' think I had a good time???


Aug 12, 2001
Yeah Eugene likes to hit the rough butt kicking trails. I have been ridding motorcycles for a long time but on the street. I just started in the dirt last season and who do I go with to give me some pointers but Eugene. Famous last words are we will take it easy today. Yeah right what you guys saw was what I saw all day my second time out on my bike. You have to learn fast when following him.
What can I say had a great time out there sat wish I could have gone again on Sunday. We have to do this again soon.


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
OK goes nothing. I hope you have your reading glasses on ;) .

I don’t even know where to begin with this. What a great time I had at Paragon this weekend…I impressed myself along with the other who got to see me ride. I can’t believe I almost didn’t go! The weather was beautiful and the people were great! Papakeith and I arrived in PA Friday afternoon and set up camp. Not too long after we arrived Treejumper arrived and then Flying Scot and his two children. We thought we were the only campers for the night, then we realized that Daniel Joseph and his buddies were on another sight. So, we sat around the fire for a while, bs’ed and turned in early to get ready for our big day!

We started off with a fairly easy ride Saturday morning…there wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. We had Flying Scot and his kids, who are great riders, with us along with his wife…so we stuck to the fairly easy stuff…plus we didn’t know where I would fit in at first. All morning we rode around, took the easy trails, and we found a nice little sand pit to play around in. Well…there was a nice big, steep hill in this sand pit that everyone was going up and down. They asked me how I felt about it, and I wasn’t really ready for it. But when I ever saw Flying Scot’s wife go up it on her XR 100, I knew I could do it. So…first try, up the hill I went. What a rush! I didn’t go down it…now I kind of wish I did because I went down worse as the weekend wore on! So, I tried it again…I didn’t quite have the speed I needed the second time and as I gave it some gas to get going, I ended up going halfway up the hill on my rear wheel only! THAT WAS GREAT!!!!! :yeehaw: Then we took a lunch break…

Saturday afternoon was great thanks to our trail guide, Scooter. We took the more difficult trails in the afternoon since we didn’t have the children with us, and I decided to be brave! There were more rocks at Paragon than I have ever seen in my life!!!! My first fall of the day happened on a pretty rocky uphill, but it wasn’t bad. I got up, got the bike going, and was on my way up again. Well everyone was already ahead of me so I didn’t see the path they took. I could’ve gone left, the really rocky technical trail, or right being the easier trail. I didn’t realize I had a choice and went left. I made it up about halfway and just bailed. It was pretty scary! On the way down I realized where I was and went the right way that time!!! Then I decided to follow Papakeith down a hill. He picked the wrong way to go, and of course I followed, lost control and took a dive. I scraped my arm up pretty good, :whiner: thank god I was wearing long sleeves!!! Well, I got up, realized I was fine, and kept going! Then everyone I was with (Scooter, Papakeith, Tree jumper, LoriKTM, and OffRoadWarrior) asked if I was ready to try some single track, which I haven’t done much of, if any, yet. “Sure, I’ll try anything once” I say. HAHAHA! What a mistake that was! I made it about ten feet in, decided it was way too tight for me, and had Papakeith take my bike out for me. In the meantime, Scooter told Papa about some wider single track that may be for me. Well, it was. I made it about 9/10 of the way through 3 sections of wider single track. Little did I know that Scooter had warned Papa not to take me into the 3rd section, so when Papa asked if I wanted to do this last section I said “Sure, why not?”. Well, there was a tight, technical section that I just could not get through. I tried and tried. My first attempt resulted in my debarking of a tree…that was pretty scary! This is after the first tree that I had severe object fixation on and bashed right into! I was getting tired seeing as this was my first real ride so I had Papa take my bike out of the woods for me. I then made it down all the rough rocky sections I had made it up earlier in the day! After that I decided I was done for the day and Papakeith went off and played with OffRoadWarrior on his trials bike for a while.

Camping on Saturday night was…interesting! Seeing as I’m a newbie, I didn’t get a lot of the inside jokes but laughed anyway. I made a new friend in one of Daniel Joseph’s buddies and ended up talking to him all night...6 beers and a lot of laughs and firewood later we turned in for the night…

Then there was Sunday!

Well, Sunday came along and all my fellow riders decided it was time for Samantha to learn Turtle Hill. :eek: Papa had told me about this hill before, but he told me they always went up it. We were going down it. This hill is the longest, rockiest down hill in all of Paragon and I DID IT!!!!! I didn’t make it down in one shot, I fell a couple times, stalled a couple more, but I finally made it down. That was exciting in and of itself! Then we took on the water! I had never gone through more than puddles before, I was pretty nervous about it. The first water crossing was a river…everyone had gone through, except me and RM_Guy…he talked me through it and I made it about halfway through before killing my bike and almost falling over. Luckily Papa was there to catch my bike so I didn’t drown it! He brought my bike the rest of the way through that…The next crossing was a mud puddle…everyone went through again with little to no problems. I took the wrong way and ended up taking a mud bath! I got the bike going again and got myself out of that one! We had a few more crossings that I made it through no problem. But, I have to say the most amusing part of the day was when Trigger did a bunny hop off of a hill right into a pond! I could’ve cried I was laughing so hard…after we all knew he was ok that is. Everyone else went around the pond but he had to go in it. By the time we had crossed our fifth or sixth river/pond/mud puddle everyone was getting pretty worn down, so back up Turtle Hill we went. Papa, Trigger and I let everyone else go ahead since I needed a bit of a break. Then we were on our way up. I only fell/stalled twice the entire way up! What an accomplishment!

After lunch we let Eugene guide through what we though would be a nice, easy trail ride. Everyone was pretty tired so we weren’t up for much. If we only knew what we were in for! The ride started off fairly easy, some down hills and straight aways. I didn’t really have a problem keeping up, but I was still last in line! Then we got into the woods and it started to get real rocky. I had a tough time but made it through most of it. There were a couple of sections that I had to have Papakeith bring my bike through for me after trying and not succeeding. Then we came across a water/mud/rock crossing. I took one look at it and said “No way, I’m not doing that.” Papa said ok, stay here, I’ll be back for your bike. Well by the time he got back for me I was halfway through it. Treejumper told me he was going to record what I did on his helmet cam and of course I wanted to show off to my boyfriend who couldn’t make the trip! It took me a little while and few stalls but I made it through. I couldn’t believe it! The rest of the ride turned out to be fairly easy. My confidence grew and by the end of the day I was being called speedy!

All in all I had a great weekend! Thanks to everyone, especially LoriKTM, Treejumper, OffRoadWarrior, Scooter, Trigger and of course Papakeith! I appreciate all the patience you had and all the confidence you had in me! I can’t wait until the next trip! :thumb:


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Nice report Squeaky!! Glad to see you had such a great time and didnt get discouraged! :)


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
I CAN'T BELEIVE IT....I almost forgot about the air I got!

So, I was following Papakeith, going at what is considered top speed for me ! (AKA...Not very fast...)

Well, he went over a little hill at this speed and I followed right behind him. He says judging from his experience I got about 1/2 inch of air.... :aj:

ROCK ON! I've never gotten both wheels off the ground before (on purpose!). It was so exciting! :yeehaw:

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