
May 2, 2001
Team SoBe Suzuki's Travis Pastrana suffered another setback on Sunday afternoon at the Gravity Games when he bailed off his Suzuki at the height of
an approximately 40-foot leap during a Step-Up competition. Pastrana landed on his knee wrong and suffered a dislocation that required surgery. Racer X
photographer Anthony Scavo shot this photo of the leap in which Pastrana bailed off.

From Racer X


May 21, 2001
Originally posted by MXFastGuy, but edited by yzeater
Dear Travis Pastrana,

Please just pick a sport. ONE sport. And make the sport motocross. We need someone to beat RC and or Bubba.

MXFastGuy :|


May 2, 2001
Maybe (just my hoping) this will be a wakeup call for Travis. He made around $23000 I think for winning a gold a the G Games. RC is fattening up the checking acount by a couple mil a year from Honda because he was the most dedicated motocross rider the last few years. I won't give up on rooting for Travis yet, because he's still a class act. I just hope that if being #1 someday in MX/SX is on his agenda, he starts to become dedicated to it. If the rest of the freestylers he is competing against had the talent he has for racing, they would've probably stuck to racing. My opinion only. Worth the change under the couch cusion.


Jun 16, 1999
what a dumbass he is, way back I told my son not to look up to him too much cause of the way he rides, and I was right what a nut he is.
Travis MXSX or freestyle, pick one...........


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
Originally posted by Duneman
what a dumbass he is, way back I told my son not to look up to him too much cause of the way he rides, and I was right what a nut he is.
Travis MXSX or freestyle, pick one...........
I would love to be a DUMBASS to get paid millions and ride dirtbikes as my career. Yeah, what a dumbass to be famous.
I guess we are dumb-dumbasses since we are on this site, and not rich enough to have other things to do. :|


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Yeah, what a total teenager :think: For crap's sake, guys. Let the kid be a kid. He's not maybe the best role model for how to totally dedicate yourself to one thing in life, but otherwise I say he's still a great role model for kids, especially when you stand him next to Brian Deegan, that's for sure.

Life isn't about being the best at one thing, or filling the bank account to the max. If he's having fun, doing what he wants to do, what's wrong with that?


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
Originally posted by zio
Yeah, what a total teenager :think: For crap's sake, guys. Let the kid be a kid. He's not maybe the best role model for how to totally dedicate yourself to one thing in life, but otherwise I say he's still a great role model for kids, especially when you stand him next to Brian Deegan, that's for sure.

Life isn't about being the best at one thing, or filling the bank account to the max. If he's having fun, doing what he wants to do, what's wrong with that?
Right On Zio, I totally agree, shoot, when I was 19..... I dont even want to go there.... :(


May 14, 2001
Travis is a great kid and I believe he is a skilled and talented rider. His common sense may be lacking and respect for his own personal health may be subject to question. He is excellent for public relations and hopefully Suzuki will keep that in mind.
Personally I think freestyle motocross is bad for motorcyclists. I wonder how much time is spent on physical training? They may appear to be in great shape, but I bet Travis would be physically drained doing a thirty minute plus moto compared to a five minute or less freestyle competition. Racing is dangerous enough, but you can slow down to aoivd the danger. How do you slow down when you're committed on a twenty foot ramp, with a landing eighty feet away?


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
Originally posted by hug747
Racing is dangerous enough, but you can slow down to aoivd the danger. How do you slow down when you're committed on a twenty foot ramp, with a landing eighty feet away?
good points, But, some freestylers were quoted to say that it is safer. For the fact that there are too many unknown variables in racing, ie, studder bumps/whoops, someone landing on you after a jump, hitting you in air, contact , starting gate pile ups, being run over, etc.....
But we have seen are share of freestyle accidents, we dont know how many amateurs are injured in it though, i havent seen that info....


Feb 10, 2002
travis is a way better role model then deegan or metzger or most otehr freestyl riders. I mean the kid doesnt go around humping other peoples legs before a session now does he? pastrana/ take your choice. winner or hummper?

hemeroid 911

May 12, 2002
not strarting a flame or nothing.I disagree with you patpipes I think pastrana could definetly give charmichael a run for his money.
I don't want travis to quit freestyle but it would be good for him to concentrate on racing for a while.


Dec 27, 1999
I also don't want this to turn into a flame, but I wish TP would just focus on racing. He's got a ton of talent and was the most exciting rider to watch in his first 125 season. Freestyle is a distraction and a poor one at that. In my opinion, it's a waste to have that much talent and not take advantage of it because you want to win the "gold" medal on an event that is judged on a purely subjective basis.

He'll eventually mature and get a little work ethic (I hope!). He could do well by studying Carmichael, who has totally redefined work ethic in motocross and supercross. Think about you remember when RC was that pudgy little kid on a 125? Look at him now. He surely didn't get where he is today by goofing off working on his "freekstyle" skills. This kid is a racer.

(Keep in mind....this is coming from a guy who has been an RC hater since day one. However, you just gotta admire his work ethic and the way he has flat out dominated this year.)

Just my thoughts.

Buzz Bomb

May 9, 2000
Why is everyone here trying to tell Travis what he should be doing and what he shouldn't?!?! It's HIS life, not anyone else's. Let him do whatever he wants. If he wants to take risks, let him. Why should he not be allowed to take risks? It's not like he has an agenda to keep so that we all have someone to watch on TV every week!

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