Pay ticket or take my chances in court??


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Ya Ya I know. Of all the times I've been pulled over I was actually issued a ticket! Apparently being coy and cute only works on the CA highway patrol. :p

So I got a ticket for doing 32 in a 20 near work. Admittedly I wasn't paying attention so I don't really know what my speed was and I wouldn't really have known what it was anyway since I was in Eddie's truck with oversized tires so the od is off a little (apparently this little fact didn't impress mr police officer either). I also didn't realize it was 20, thought it was 25.

NOBODY does 20 in this zone and even the cop said that he doesn't know why the speed is that low but he was there because some of the residents and nearby hospital had been complaining and warned me that they would be in the area for the rest of the week (wasn't that nice of him).

I have heard that sometimes just by showing up to court tickets are sometimes thrown out, cop doesn't show up etc. Obviously the easiest thing to do is to just pay up and accept the consequense of breaking the law (even if 20mph is ridiculous!) but if there is a chance of getting out of it should I try?


Jun 5, 2001
LMAO!!! Lead foot finally gets nabbed!

Seriously though, if they allow it there, you can set a court date to see if he shows, if he does, then see if traffic school is available, if not, you had nothing to lose by trying. Winning in court is tough, for that kind of speed, all he has to do is show that it was unsafe at the time. If there are pedestrians or cars coming out of driveways, then that would do it. If it was totally empty,not a car on the road, early morning or late night, you'd be fine. Up to you though, mt .02 cents.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Serves you right, Miss Lawbreaker! :p

I would bet they expect you to pay the ticket, because nobody wants to take time out of their busy day to go to court. BUT, it will show up on your record if you don't fight it, and if you have troubles with your car insurance already, paying the ticket (pleading guilty) will only make it worse.


Dec 31, 1969
Go to court, may stay off your record.


Nov 19, 2003
gospeedracer said:
Ya Ya I know. Of all the times I've been pulled over I was actually issued a ticket! Apparently being coy and cute only works on the CA highway patrol. :p
:think: Didn't you get a ticket by a CA Highway Patrol on your way to Jawbone or were you just stopped?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Slap the cuffs on her Barney and lock her up with Martha! :nener:

You got to quit playin' that "I can't drive....55!" song missy


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I heard a story once of a guy who gave the traffic cop a Monopoly "Get out of Jail Free" card and the cop started laughing and told the guy to get outta here and let him go.

I need to try that next time - I go to the stupid Traffic Safety program once a year for tickets. I think I could teach the course by memory. Too bad the instructors use the same jokes over and over.

If you got the time off of work, go to court. Like Elk said, nothing any worse can happen. Good luck Gogo!


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
Go to court. They might give you a lesser, no point, fine.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
TwistNShout said:
Didn't you get a ticket by a CA Highway Patrol on your way to Jawbone or were you just stopped?
Yes, but I don't think it was the CHP and Eddie was in the car so I blame him. Chicks can't get outta tickets properly if there's a dude in the car. :p

Hmmm, Imma stock up on Get Out of Jail Free cards and stuff em in my car. :laugh:

I told the guy I was new to the area too and didn't realize. He still kept on writing. CHP woulda let me go :(
Wonder if I can suck up to the other Richmond Heights PD officer that pulled me over for supposedly not stopping at a stop sign and see if he can make this ticket "go away" like he did the last one. :)
I hate going to court. Only been once but I thought I was going to puke. Didn't get out of the ticket (very first one at 18) but since I was broke then, the judge just asked me how much I thought I could pay and when so I picked a dollar amount and said 3 months from now and he was cool with it.


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
Go to court.. at least maybe get it changed to an inspection sticker violation or something if traffic school is not an option. I have done that a couple of times. One was changed to inspections sticker violation, the other to a seatbelt violation. I had to pay full fines and costs, but it beats the insurance hike.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
There are a bunch of businesses in MO that will try to get you out of your ticket. If they don't get you off you don't pay them anything. If they get you off you basically pay them around the same amount as your ticket would have been. Several people in the office have done it and it keeps the ticket/points off your record.


Just talked to Jeff, he thinks he used TLC (Traffic Law Center). You actually end up paying about double what you should, they contact the court and plea the speeding ticket down to a non-moving violation such as a parking ticket. you then pay a higher than normal fine for a parking ticket plus their fee ($90 or so). It costs more $ but keeps the points off your record and your insurance low.
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dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
It's going to differ from state to state. I recently got a ticket and considered paying it directly rather than going to court and traffic school. I contacted my insurance company and they said they absolutely would raise my rates (my record is good) if I did not opt for traffic school.

Went to court (cattle call), the judge reduced the fine and gave me traffic school (on line, but in my community you have to show up at an officially reconginzed place to present ID and take the 'final exam'.) Court and T. School was a hassle, but it probably saved me about $150 in fines and an unknown $ increase in insurance.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
No way am I doing traffic school. I already know how to drive. I'm an excellent driver. :debil:
Besides, doesn't traffic school cost more money on top of paying the traffic fine? If I'm going to shell out that kind of money I'd rather just pay in ins increase. It's only for 3 years anyway. Besides. My insurance never went up when I got the ticket Twistnshout was so kind to bring up. ;)


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
So if you were in Eddie's truck, did they ask about the MO address, OK plates, and CA drivers license? :moon:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
nikki said:
So if you were in Eddie's truck, did they ask about the MO address, OK plates, and CA drivers license? :moon:
He asked how long I had lived here and I lied and said 6 months but immediately kicked myself. About .02 seconds after I said it. I thought to myself, IDIOT! what the hell good is it to say 6 months since I know that stuff is supposed to be changed within 30 days of moving here! I suck at lying. :ohmy:

But it didn't matter, I got out of it. He told me he wouldn't write me up for either the expired OK plates (from 2001!) or the CA license which he would have to pry from my cold dead body anyway! :)

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Online traffic school is a decent option if its allowed in your state. But if you know your insurance will not go up by paying the fine, it is certainly tempting to avoid the hassle of court and school.

The school fee was $30, but I also had to pay an extra $36 to the city for 'administration' because I opted for traffic school + my $203 fine.

Total online time was about 2 hours, and I was in court for about 3 hours waiting my turn to plead no contest and get traffic school. Also had to go take my 'final exam' for traffic school (1/2 hour incl. drive time) and return the paperwork to court (1/2 hour).

So in exchange for no increase in insurance and a reduction in fine from $376 to $203 (not including $30 traffic school and $36 city admin fee), it took about 6 hours of personal time.

BTW, if you pay the court by credit card, expect a BIG service fee. My city wanted an extra $15 to charge $239 to my plastic. I figured the $36 amin fee for a $30 traffic school was bad enough, so I paid by check.

In case anyone was wondering, the $376 fine was for getting caught on camera running a late yellow. If a police officer pulls you over for doing the same thing, the initial fine is much less. My traffic court judge was reducing fines to $30 - $70 for redlight runners caught by the cops, but by statute she could not reduce the fine to less than $203 for those caught on camera.


Jun 5, 2001
You are a criminal, flat out. You LIED to a police officer, man oh man, now I gotta do sumthin bout that! Just wait till DW, if you decide to show, you'll get the cuffs of truth put on chick.

Holy crap! I justed realized this, let ot go, get a warrant on you, then I can hook you at DW and make it a business trip! LOL


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Aimee the story about dumping the ticket at the first (date on the ticket) court date is not true. No department could afford to have every cop that issued a ticket show up on overtime that day. It is normally your chance to play "Let's Make A Deal" with the prosecutor. In our court it is standard to drop at least one level just because you showed up. A 12 over would go to less then 10 over but if I was you I would hold out for a equipment violation. Defective speedo (in Wis at least) is a no point violation and since it is a non moving violation will not affect your ins. It would help to go in and explain it isn't your truck you just borrowed it and were not aware of the oversize tires. If you can go to a transmission shop and get a slip showing the speedo is off you stand a good chance at dismissal or at least the reduction to equipment

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
gospeedracer said:
I already know how to drive. I'm an excellent driver.
Sure you are, you just don't know how to drive legally :laugh:

Somebody set me straight on this one, I heard it works with some systems the cities use but I wouldn't bet on it. The idea is to overpay the ticket by say 5 or 10 $. The computer says they owe you the difference so they issue you a check for the refund. You just keep the check & never cash it and the computer can't close out the case so it never gets reported to the insurance company and the ticket is satisfied. Thay can't force you to cash the check.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Karma is a mother.

My last trip to MO cost me $125 for doing 86 in a 70, + $150 license reinstatement fee in Alabama (because I sent payment a week late).

I was trying to catch Eddie & got busted. So there.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Nobody out there heard of a radar detector?
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