PC help needed


Jan 9, 2000
Im running windows xp pro and outlook express 6, i have norton antivirus installed but the problem exitst when i disable it.I cannot send e mails with attachements-any email of any size just wont send-i get a message saying my connection to the mail server is interrupted.I can surf the web and recieve e mails with attachements fine.I have broadband and a fire-wall but i cant see it bieng a setting problem as i can recieve ok.Any help is appreciated.


Feb 21, 2002
Try reinstalling the software. Use norton system utilities to find and fix problems. If it doesn't work, call you provider and chew some butt. It may be one of their settings. You may also try disabling the firewall for a minute to send a message.


Jan 9, 2000
Update-i ran the norton disk doctor and it at 1st was no better but the second time it has fixed the problem-pcs are like females-they defy all logic-thanks clutch cover.


Nov 5, 2001
hey marcus: ive got XP pro and if youve only jsut installed, my advice would be to uninstall and sling it! ive got a friend who is in the industry that gave me this advice, but my laptop had already been setup on the work network and software so i had to stick with it. the main problem with xp is that you can get hacked from outside very easily. he assures me that the earlier windows 2000 or similar are far more stable. my digi camera wont work on XP either and a lot of the adobe programs screwed up also. (every software i have ran ok on win 98 but not as well on XP!

I have the norton also, it always scans in and out emails but doesnt give a problem.

one last point of view, be very careful with outlook, everytime a new virus comes out it usually is designed to propogate through outlook. i have the free eudora email software and (touch wood) have not had problems.

disclaimer: i know jack about computers apart from not to spill tea on them....but i know some pretty smart people and i trust their opinions and advice! (just like your jetting tips :) !)

i saw the rain chewed up the british GP...but i heard that up until the last couple of weeks the weather was nice.




Jan 9, 2000
bruce im no expert but i must say i find xp worlds better than the 95/98/Me generation.I use 2000 at work and its very similar to XP IMHO.The drivers can be a issue but will always be on a new O/S.I hate NT.I use outlook express for my e mails-im not sure if this is as open as outlook for problems.I use norton firewall so im hoping im as safe as i can be.As for stability it is easily the most stable o/s i have used-much better even than 2000 i have at work- and i cant even add/remove software from that system.When 2000 crashes it seems to always need a reboot but xp rarely if ever does-you just shut down the problem application.I think in future all other o/s will be redundant bar maybe those werid ones like linux.


Nov 5, 2001
maybe i just got the crap end of the stick with my set up! at the end of the day software is one big conspiracy! (or do i just know too many paranoid hacker people?). i gotr XP when it first came out, but if youve only just changes maybe you got a bug free version. the security issue with XP was the remote access thing, apparently if you have a problem an outside user (helpdesk) can get on your machine and deal with the problems. XP also seems to have good memory, no matter how many cookies and temp files etc. that i delete the computer always remembers the usernames and passwords to my online banking etc. even though i tell it not to!....i think these are the main issues that bother people....but if i had my way i would run windows 3.1 at the drop of a hat!

let me know if you want any gear bringin back....its just less than 4 weeks before my vacation




Jan 9, 2000
bruce the remote assistance is something that worries alot of people but xp rarely does anything without asking 1st if you want to.I have noticed it does tend to ignore its own promts sometimes.Have you downloaded all the updates from microsoft as this will help?I too started out with 3.11 but i couldnt really use it to be honest.

looking forward to your visit but i dont think i need much at present as my money is being spent before i earn it-you will know the feeling:)


Sep 22, 2000
OE6--go to -- Tools----Options ---Security and see what you have checked.

Had a simular problem when I upgraded to OE6 and I could not open any attachments no matter how secure they were.
Check your options selected in Norton also.
Hope this helps since I don't know anything about XP :)
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