I am having a problem picking out a helmet size. My head measurement puts me in the far end of the medium category for Bieffe X-Tech helmet. So I went down to the local cycle gear store to try the helmets on. The large felt comfortable but the guy at the store said it might be a little loose because if I turned my head fast it wobbled a little. The medium felt a little tight but had very little play in it why I jumped around and stuff. It is hard for me to tell how tight the helmet should be. I don't want my head to be squashed by my helmet as I am riding all day on trails. But I don't want it too big either. Anyway I was thinking of getting the large and if I need to I can just wearing like a doo-rag under the helmet if I need to. Any thoughts on this?
Medium 22 3/8" - 22 3/4"
Large 23 1/8"-23 5/8"
My head = 22 5/8"
Medium 22 3/8" - 22 3/4"
Large 23 1/8"-23 5/8"
My head = 22 5/8"