
Yo! I got home safe about 945 last night. I'm beat, but home safe! Thanks to everyone for shuttling us around (swift), feeding us, and just generally putting up with us! Thanks to David and Sarah for the pre-party, even though we were late, and a huge thank you to Gene (tx246) and his family for turning their home into a "flop house" for the second year in a row. As always, Gene and family went above and beyond to make sure everyone was comfortable. :thumb:


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
I agree with all of the above. Thanks to Thump and HotPants for Friday night, it was great. Thanks to Dave for cookin on Saturday, now I know I've gotta make DW this year, the food was awesome! And then thanks to everybody who let me ride their bike on Sunday (Txbigguy, BSwift, Aaron's dad, Jeff), I'm trying to decide on my next ride (pending a new job) and I think I've made up my mind. What a great weekend, definately can't wait till next time.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
It was a great weekend. Thanks to everyone! I also appreciate how my sons were treated. Everyone was friendly, nice and geniunely concerned for them. Great role models. A big thanks to TX246 and Maggie. Tell her thanks Gene. We had a ball. See you all Memorial Day.


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
What's up for Memorial day?&nbsp; I'm actually gonna be here....


N. Texas SP
May 1, 2001
Originally posted by BigLou
Stan blows the packing out of my silencer!

Lou rides his bike all day Sunday, and for a few hours on Monday, then I take a 5-minute spin and get blamed :confused: Come to think of it, it was awfully easy to get a ride on that bike. I think Lou noticed the silencer, then had me ride it to pin the blame on me ;) Gotta watch him for that kinda' stuff :)


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Memorial weekend ride at the farm in Glencoe OK, east of Stillwater. Some trails, little mx track, grass track, camping etc. Come if you like :thumb:


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by justql
Memorial weekend ride at the farm in Glencoe OK, east of Stillwater.

we'll be there. that will be a busy weekend for me. friday is my birthday. saturday is the final round of the state mx championships. sunday and monday, ride at the farm. tuesday is my anniversary.

where are the post dallas sx ride reports?


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
My ride report is short. We went straight to Murray by passing Nocona MX track that many went and rode first. I got some time in with Kurt and Quint. I then went out on a loop with tx246, bswift, biglou,dwreck and darren. Nice loop, lots of fun. I then went back to camp when the nagging brake problems returned. I finally had someone that knew about brakes look at it. The master cylinder is bad. Atleast it'll be easy enough to fix. Everone seemed to have fun from what I saw.


I'll get a nice report written today as long as work doesn't interfere! btw-I forgot to mention: "I got initiated!" That's right. Not whacked by the mamba, but cracked in the funnybone by Brutus. It didn't feel funny, though... :debil:


Oct 19, 2000
Stan usually does these reports, but he has lots of school work to do, since he was out sick Monday, (nature exploration @ Muenster ;) ).

We went to Lake Murray early Sun AM. Rode with lots of diff people all day (MaicoNut, Lorrin, Tony, TX246, Lou, YZGuy and his Dad, Yamaharider19 and Dad, Swift and others that I can not put a name to, don't think we ever rode with Justin though)

Gene came through with some killer Chicken and Brisket! Stan said it was the best he had had since last year, when Gene brought it to Muenster. Many thanks to Gene and ? for cooking it up for us. :worship:

We stayed overnight in a tent (I DO NOT sleep in a tent :| , just seem to wait for sunup) @ Lake Murray, then early to Muenster on Mon morn. I think there was about 11 there, great riding, till 4:00, then to the house.

I think Stan put about 130 miles on the KDX.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
My ride report kinda mirrors Grady's except mine was preceeded by about four days of way too few hours of sleep. :scream:
After loading the truck an hour late, I headed out and breezed off towards Lake Murray .... oops, I forgot to hook up the lights and safety chains. Darn, that means I lost ANOTHER light adapter, another $15.00 down the :uh: . Oh well, stop the truck, and what do I find ... the adapter on the ground by the tounge. It stayed on the trailer for a couple of miles and fell off when I stopped. Now I knew I WAS gonna have a good day. Well back on the road in search of coffee. After fueling the belly and the truck I am on I35 making good time. Next thing I know a blue chebby pickup pulls up next to me and it is Milk and his crew. We chat for a moment on I35 (creating a mobile road block), wave and head out to our respective gladitorial arenas ... :) . Crossing into OK was uneventful, except for the fact that the road got narrower. I soon ran up on another blue chebby with a Gas Gas in the back and I figured he was heading to Lake Murray. Exit 29 came up and left we went. He passed a couple of vans with quads and I resigned to settle in until the stop light. Passing them, he was nowhere to be found, so off I went into the wilds of SE OK. Opps ... that was the gold horse ... darn I messed the turn. They don't waste money on signage. So I turn around and head back, now the right is a left, but I am soon there and who to I see but Stan and Grady in the parking lot. $7.00 later and I have a smiley face arm band for a day of riding.

Regarding the riding, I was at the back most of the time and everybody got to rest at the trail splits as they waited for me. Someday I will really learn to use the brakes and quit relying on the engine to slow me down. In any case, the trails varied from very tight quad track with numerous 68 degree turns between trees that were the width of a quad apart to sugar sand that seemed to have no bottom. Back to the quad trails ... they weren't so bad, but the hump in the middle kinda dictated that scoots take the inside or outside rut, which left me eating more than a few limbs with my helmet.

As Grady said, Ol MaicoNut, Lorin, Rick (friend of theirs), Grady, Stan and myself did a few loops. Mid morning found us back at the truck and the discovery that TX247 and justql and their crews had arrived and arrive they did. They brought a smoker and qucikly loaded it down with chicken and brisket.

After a loop that started out with Grady and Stan and ended solo when I took an incorrect fork in the trail, I had a piece of the best chicken I have had in a long time.

One more loop and back to the truck and I found that BigLou, BSwift, ymaharider19, and yzguy15 have shown up with their bunch from Muenster. After a bit o' bench racing, groups head out various directions.

One more loop and it was time to go for me.

The day was beautiful, the camaradere was wonderful and the dogwoods were in bloom, what more could I want. Yep, that right, Gene remembered the beer!

Grabbed one ... loaded my trailer and it was off into the sun heading south.

The day capped off nicely a wonderful weekend of memories that began two days earlier at Thump and Hot Pants house.

Thanks again all ... I had a great time.

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