pistol ammo


Aug 8, 1999
Grinch -

I've put a box of Cor-Bon 125 JHP's thru a Smith model 65 and they seemed fine. 6 are left and in the cylinder now.

Silvertips are an old standby. Never had any problems with them. Got 'em in the Kel Tech P32 and Glock 22 as we speak.

Sharla, thanks for the tip. I'll start watching my 6 when passing phone booths and fruit stands.

Gotta love a woman that rides a KTM AND packs a 45. Got any older sisters down Texas way?;)
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Oh, sorry if I misled you Tex, it's a .40 P229. I believe in sublety. :confused:


Aug 8, 1999
Got it, FC. Shudda paid more attention to the model numbers. 40 is my choice too.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2000
For concealed carry it also a wise to use ammo that's has the neccessary "stopping" power without creating a situation where the families lawyer attempts to attack the the credibility of the reason you're carrying in the first place. In other words, if you use ammo that say for instance, is designed to enter and cause massive injuries with little or no chance of recovery and without due regard to the safety of others, they have tried to convince the grand juries that you carry just for the sake of killiing with little to no regard to the human life you took. Just something to keep in mind. Now for house protection, there's usually little to no regard in this since you were awaken by someone standing over your bed. Never - ever use ammo that too old.


Apr 26, 2000
I've had great luck with Cor-Bon 10mm, 185gr. In my Colt Delta Gold Cup (blue). However, I didn't like the Cor-Bon until I added a Wilson long-rod and heavy spring. With the heavy spring, my two favorite rounds are the Cor-Bon and the Federal Hydra Shok.
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