after a bunch of test and tune i think im where i want to be jetted, im pretty pleased with the results i may even be a bit rich but id rather have the confiadance to be able to run hard at WOT with out the worry of running lean, it seems funny but with all the mods on my bike it seem that everyone here is running way leaner setup than i am?, im on a 97 kdx 200 with a fmf torque pipe and silencer, open air box and power reeds, at 2,100 ft elev. and about 70 degrees, im running a 45 pilot and a 155 main, needle jet clip in the bottom position and the air screw out 11/4 , the bike starts right up on cold start, and runs strong throuhout, which is kinda odd because of the setup that was in the bike was 45, and 158, needle in the top clip, air screw out 11/2 the bike ran good but was a bear to get started when cold, from what i can understand this is only a bit leaner than my previous setup but it made a world of diffrance in the cold start department, what i cant understand is that some of you are running a 152 at mid clip? man with a plugchop that reads way lean on my bike, maybe im just scared about burning a piston, does this sound right?, its running better, one thing about this carb jetting stuff im getting real good and tearing this carb apart and putting it back together in the field, just wanna get this all straight before the good riding season is here.