Plug Fouling

lucas b

Sep 18, 2005
I have a new 05 KX100 after the first tank of gas the plug fouled and was covered with carbon. then on the second plug it lasted for about two weeks then was black and fouled. now plugs last for about 60 seconds and fouls.

if you have any suggustions please help

thank you


Sep 20, 2005
hi, i run a bike club and we have various moto-x bikes. eg 2 x cr125s 2004&2005, kx85s 2003&2005 two ttr125s and a pw80. when we got the bikes new all the 2-strokes needed plugs after about 1hr riding because they got black and fouled. the reason was that our track was quite tight so the revs were quite low at times causing fouling. this was fixed by putting NGK B8ES or BR8ES plugs in them. they are not racing plugs but they last for ages and they don't cost as much. also we run all our bikes on a mix of 5 LTS of petrol to 100 ML of oil. this has worked for us over the years and we don't seem to have this prob any more. hope this helps.


Feb 24, 2003
your bike is running rich(TO MUCH GAS IN FUEL TO AIR MIXTURE) look in your owner manual it will show you how to lower the needle in the carburator,this will lean the mixture and when is correctyour plug will be tan to brown-your manual will have a whole chapter on setting up the carb. somthing most people miss and wonder why thier bike dosnt run rite
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