
Nov 25, 1999
This is a copy of the email I sent out to everyone on the Team Grizzly mailing list. I decided to put it here so more riders get informed.

Also the Quickshift Hare Scrambles have been postponed due to snow. The race is rescheduled for March 16th.



Hello everyone,

Some of you may have heard about the big change to the Pacific Northwest Motorcycle Association (PNWMA) Off-Road Series (ORS). Well I will take the time to explain. Basicially all riders competing in the series will be required to purchase a Canadian Motorsport Racing Club (CMRC) competition license in addition to a PNWMA competition license.

The reason is simple insurance. As race organizers, we are required by the landowners (Homestake, Scott Paper or the Crown) to have insurance in the event a third party gets injured on our race course. This is essential to protect the organizers of the race, the PNWMA and the landowners from litigation. Without it, I can safely say that Team Grizzly would not hold the Piston Run, since we then run the risk of losing our assets in the event of a lawsuit. The hitch here was the fact that our regular agents, K&K annouced they would refuse to cover our races at the about an month ago. This left the PNWMA scrambling for coverage. The only insurance available was through the agents that cover the CMRC. And to get that coverage, we have to deal with the CMRC. On behalf of Team Grizzly, I would like to express my thanks to the PNWMA executives, especially Deb Mabberley who worked long and hard at keeping our series running.

I did try to float the idea to petition the CMRC to bring back the one-day license they had in the past. However this was not done for the following reason, money. Part of the required insurance is coverage from Accidental Death and Dismemberment. $40 of the $60 collected by the CMRC goes to the AD&D coverage. However the PNWMA has arranged for the CMRC to drop the license rate to $60 from the usual $80. $20 of the license fee collected by the CMRC went back to the host club. We decided to pass that savings onto you.

The $10 PNWMA license fee is still around to cover costs of the mailout. For this year the fee will be used to help the clubs out with their insurance costs, which have incidentally tripled. There is no change to mailouts.

So the CMRC Hare Scrambles / Cross Country license is $60 and is good for the entire year. It is required for all Canadian ORS events. All CMRC Motocross license holders do not have to purchase an additional HS/CC license. The race entry and PNWMA license is cash only, but the CMRC license can be purchase with cash or cheques. The cards will be mailed to you.

Also the Poker Run events have insurance through another agency so their rates are unchanged for this year. The reason for their coverage is the fact that a poker run is a non-competitive event.

I will keep you all informed about changes to the PNWMA Off-Road Series. We will attempt to find coverage through other means and try to keep the ORS true to it's original meaning, to provide a inexpensive means to go racing. I hope all of you can understand what has happened, and continue to support the sport.

If anyone has any questions or comments then please feel free to email me.

Mike Fodor / Team Grizzly


Mar 29, 2002
Hey mike, Do you think Herring Island will be ready for next weekend??? thats only a week away, doesnt give much time do dry up...
Also, my bro is interested in racing the sportsman class this year, for kicks. Will he also have to purchase a $60 license??? Thanx alot.


Mar 29, 2002
Hey fatty_k, It would only be $100 dollars for your first race, your only paying the $60 dollars one time, for the year. Once you pay that, your only going to have to pay the entry fee's, which is the same as last year mostly.


Aug 8, 2000
It sucks that prices are going up, but I'm racing the Squealin Pig Harescrambles and Ogopogo XC, so it's not too bad. Hopefully I'll also race the Beyond Hope Harescrambles.


Nov 25, 1999
Powercart, you can call David Lock (604-823-4501), the organizer to find out if the course has dried. I really doubt it. It rained there during the Poker Run. But I did talk to David and he said he had the course planned out to avoid the slopfest that happened at the poker run. I'm going anyway to race, because I figure if I can hang onto the bike and finish, I'll do well. :)

PS: There is more info on racing on the Team Grizzly website:



Nov 25, 1999
As far as I know all riders, even sportmen have to buy the license. However if you wanna ride for the heck of it, there is a four-event Poker run series. The dates are listed on the poster on the Team Grizzly posters and calendar pages. The poker runs are exempt since they are non-competitive events. The two events at Vernon and Lytton coincide with the Big Rooster and the Monkeywrench races.

I know dropping $100 for a race sucks. I've got to do the same thing. Make plans to enter more than one race. Without the CMRC and the insurance, there would be NO racing. And that would truly SUCK!

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