angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
Who has a home remedy for poison oak? I don't know how I got it, but it's driving me nuts. Usually, it doesn't bother me too bad, but this time is different. I appreciate any suggestions.


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
I got just the thing..........

Dude I have a bad case of Oak right now. Got mine riding out at Phelon.
Mine got into my bloodstream because the plant scraped me and I broke out from head to toe.Went to the doc. and was perscribed a antihistimine for the itching and a steriod to stop the spreading. I have tried every off the shelve med. but nothing gave me any relieve. Then I found a product called ZANFEL that really worked, almost imediatly I could feel relieve.
Do a searchfor ZANFEL on the net, there website has a list of pharmicies that stock it, or you can order it from them over night.

hope this helps


Feb 26, 2001

dont worry guys thats nothing, ive heard of wayyyy worse.

my dad was hunting one time or in the bush, and he took a sh**, of course he didnt have any toilet paper though, and when your in the boons of course you use leaves, :D

that night it got superrrrrr hot in the camp, and i guess theres nothing worse than a hot night and a bottom with posoin ivy according to my dad. OUCCCHHYYYYYYY:scream:


Sep 20, 2000

Another over the counter soap/solvent/itch reducer is Technu. You can get it at your local RiteAid, Walgreens, etc....

I've heard that taking an anti-histamine helps with decreasing the need to scratch.
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Dec 4, 1999
Jonola said:

I've heard that taking an anti-histamine helps with decreasing the need to scratch.

Rope--get about fifty feet of rope with a stick. :confused:

Complety tie up infected person with the rope and place the stick in mouth to lessen screaming. ;)

I was nervous about even peeking in here,, all I have to do is look at poison oak and I catch it. :(


Apr 1, 2001
Bundy, what I don't understand is how a couple of us went all the same places you did, but only you got it. Did you take any off trail excursions we don't know about?:p


Feb 3, 2001
Green Bud :p

But once the oak gets into your blood, your screwed. Oatmeal baths work good to control the iching .
Try to go swiming alot and sit in a hot tub.


May 24, 2000
The poision plants produce a nasty oil that causes the breakouts. I believe it's called urisol oil (or something similar). That's what the Technu soap removes from your skin. If, for example, this oil gets on a gardening tool or piece of clothing that isn't washed regularly, the oil can stay potent for years!


Feb 6, 2001
I don't know of anything that works real good a gainst it that isn't a perscription. Technu is for if you know you were exposed to poison ivey and you can use it to wash the oils off. After the rash has showed up it doens't doo a whole lot of good, but helps with the itching some. I usually just put on lots of calamine lotion. It makes it look even worse but it dries it up a lot faster. this spring I had a really sever case (My arms and hads looked like they belonged to a 300lb person and i'm 150) and went to the doctor the gave me some steroids and most of it went away real fast. I had slight reocurances for about a month after though.


Jan 17, 2001

A pro at getting it that is.

There are only two options when you get poison oak or ivy. One is the slow approach, one is the fast approach.

1. Slow approach. Take lots of Benadryl and all the other over the counter remedies, old wives tales, and whatever else you want to do to get rid of it. The Benedryl and your own body are the only two things that will be fighting it. The Benedryl actually works pretty well but it takes longer than option two.

2. FAST approach. This sounds like a cop opt to all of you big strong independent "I can do it myself" people out there but it's not. Go to the doctor and he can prescribe this stuff (I forgot what it's called) that you take 6 tablets the first day, 5 the second, 4 the third, and so on. That stuff stopped the itching by the second day. If you really want relief, just go and get some. I got mine from a dermatologist.


Aug 5, 2001
Poison Oak remedy: Zanfel rules!

I get the stuff a couple of times every year,and have tried lots of remedies with minimal success. I was in the Walgreens a few weeks ago re-stocking Benadryl and Caladryl for the latest outbreak, and saw the tubes of Zanfel, decided to try it. Cost is crazy, ($38.99) but relief was immediate and complete. I recommended it to a couple of people who also had positive results. I think this is a major advance...
Jun 27, 2000
My youngest boy wipped with poison ivy once. Man he had it soooooo bad I felt soo sorry for him. Me I can watch a tarzan movie and be itching before it is over. Go to the doc. and get a script for prednazone. Make you all better in a few days. DON'T SCRATCH...


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN remedy is to urinate on the effected WAIT..thats athletes foot! :confused:

Calamine lotion has been around for years, why? cause it works. :)
Jan 12, 2001
Jaybird, people are probably laughing at you're athlete's foot remedy, but I've heard the same thing from an old wise man.
MikeT what you're talking about is called a stem-pak (mild steroids). Take 6 on the first day and work your way down to 1.
I've had good luck going swimming to kill poison oak and ivy. It seems that the chlorine in a pool helps. Drys it up really fast and in 3 days I never knew I had it.


Jan 17, 2001
That stem pack sounds right. I'll have to remember that swimming pool idea, sounds like it would work.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
ditto the bleach. my sister is one of those who gets poison oak REALLY bad. She swears that rubbing bleach on the effected areas helps dry it out quickly, and prevent the oil from spreading. Tecnu is her second choice for washing the oils off and preventing hte spreading. Nowadays, she's forced to go to the doctor for the steroid shots.

Hey jim,

what's going on?


May 31, 2001
I get Poison Oak terribly bad, and have tried almost every medication possible (both over the counter and doctor prescribed). Basically, once the rash're screwed. You can use your basic over-the-counter lotions to help with the itching, but it just takes time for the rash to go away. The best way to fight Poison Oak is to get it before it even appears. If you rub up against the plant, or are in an area where you see a lot of Poison Oak, or even just have a hunch that you might be affected.....wash your whole body immediatley. If you can get to a faucted within 15 minutes or so, usually just rinsing yourself with plain water will get rid of the oils. If you can mange to get to soap and water within an area of being exposed, then you should be fine by just scrubbing your body with the soap. Technu is good to use within 8 hours of exposure. You completely rub yourself with the Technu for about 5 minutes (without water), and then take a cold shower. Warm water is bad because it opens your pores and can help spread the oils. It is a good idead to continue with this "Technu bath" for at least a day or two after exposure to ensure that you will be fine.

I started doing this two years ago, and haven't been affected since. I have even come into contact with the plant on a few occasions, but have gotten to saop and water within an hour and proceeded with the "Technu baths" and have been fine. Good luck!

angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000

How's Fresno treating you. Good to see you hanging around here occasionally. Your motorcycle savings fund is a virtual roller coaster ride. I may be selling my exc by the end of the year, so I can get a new one. Let me know if your in the area. I passed through Fresno on my way to the Kings river to do some trout fishing a couple weeks ago.

Thanks to everyone for the poison oak info. I've got it beat now.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000

We're planning a trip to fish the Kings in a few weeks, hopefully water levels will be perfect. Been fishing the San Juaqin lately, and just got back from Mono Creek a few weeks ago.

Fresno's getting better every day ( yesterday was only 93, which felt cool).
Yeah, the savings acct is being yanked around like a ragdoll. I've pretty much given up on saving for a bike for a while- just had about $2500 in car repairs in the last month. I'm just gonna say "f- it" come this time next year and finance one. I can't friggin stand it. Plus, Kelly rubs it in everytime he goes riding.

Funny thing is- I'm actually worried about what bike I get (like I should care). I think about red/green, nimble 2 stroke or modern 4, under 200cc, 250, or Open class racing (this one's the funniest, because I try to weigh which class will be the easiest for me to trophy in). the good thing is I'll sure appreciate this one after having to wait for so long.

What kind of fishing do you do?

angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000

I havn't talked to Kelly in a while. We rode together several times last year. Who else pulls a trailor with a Mercedes?

Wild trout! I fish with ultra light gear or a fly rod. It's been a good year so far. I don't know if I'll get in another fishing trip this year. The best trip was near Bridgeport on hwy 395 where we caught lots of nice trout including some beautiful cutthroats.

I've fished in Mono creek and the south fork of the San Juaquin near Edison and Florence lakes many times. Lot's of brown trout in those places.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
yeah, the water level was fine, but really clear, and I got skunked at Mono (except for one rainbow planter on the San Juaqin). I've been a bass fisherman all my life, and am just now trying trout for a change. My problem is when fishing the creeks, being stealthy and not spooking them. Plus my baitcaster & 7'0 med/heavy rod don't help much. Guess it's time to invest in a light spinning combo!

Dude, Kelly just bought himself a 29' motorhome!!! He goes riding in style, now!
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