Dash Riprock

Jul 13, 2000
Anybody trying to win the big 280M powerball? I'm giving it a shot. Took all the numbers since '97, input to spreadsheet and used the "hot" numbers if you will. I know, it's total luck.

If I hit the big one, the first thing I'd do is make a call to BBR and place an order for one totaly tricked out Yz250FAF. Then hit the road and ride all the tracks there ever where. .:confused:

Now that I think about it, I'd like to help out Cobrakid, and JG in some way, if I could.

Good luck!

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AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
If I win . . .

Lifetime memberships for everyone!:)

(hold on a minute, how many members are there? :eek: )


Originally posted by XRpredator
(hold on a minute, how many members are there? )
That'd be just a drop in the bucket, XRP!:D
If I win, the first thing I do is split the pot in half and give half of it away. Not all to one place, but to as many places as possible that I feel need and deserve it. Then, I'd set my folks up in a new mansion (to replace the old one:D ). I'd set myself up with a killer F-Super Duty four-door, a modest house with a GIANT garage w/climate control. I'd be absolutely positive that I get enough money properly invested to ensure that I could live comfortably and NEVER, EVER have to work for anyone other than my higher power or myself again.:) I know it all sounds so idealistic, but I bet I could deal with the problems of disbursing all that dough!:)

I'd buy a stable of bikes, and a sports car or two. And gifts for everybody! Like that titanium big toe for Jason (Blue Thunder) since it looks like he's gonna need it! My modest house would be on a sizeable plot of land, complete with private MX track and woods loop. Oh, the list goes on and on...
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Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
If I win I'm quitting my job. Then I'll pay off the house, and my Mom's house. Get me an '81 Maico 490 and a '75 Falta replica and a twin port and a new KTM and a Super Duty and a motor home and a bionic knee and a case of beer a pack of slim jims some doritos a big fat green cigar and I'll buy Hi-Torque Publishing (no can't do that probably wouldn't have enough money).


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by BigLou
If I win, the first thing I do is split the pot in half
Of course, that would be after Uncle Sam splits it in half to get their loot..err, taxes.

I would definitely make sure my parents and family were taken care of for life. Beyond that, I would just take life as it comes, and do whatever whim hit me.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
Set my family up for life. Move to New York QUICKER. Keep my place in Colorado and buy the family farm in Alabama. Develope a trail adventures business based on the trails in Wyoming. Build a Motorcycle park FASTER in New York on our new place. Spend the free time racing/trail riding with my kids or riding horses with my wife. Material/Auto/Motorcycle desires?

2002 VOR 450 Enduro.
Freightliner with 300hp Cat and Alllison auto to pull the motorhome, horse trailer, bike trailer with.
A NEW John Deere 770 grader to play contruction with.

My Wife and kids to be happy...:)
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AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by weimedog
. . . A NEW John Deere 770 grader to play contruction with . . .
Nah, get yerself a Cat 143H! That's one sweet ride! (trust me, I've run both)


Sep 22, 2000
I would buy---------

tons and tons of them little smiley face stickers like they put on your packages at Wal-Mart so I could give everyone in the world a smile. :silly:

Ok-ok, so I didn't win and I have to work today after all. :(

Good thing I was able to get my deposit back on the Villa in France.:think


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
If I won.........

First I would buy a snow-cone machine.

Then I would buy the house next door to my ex. just to piss her off.


Jul 5, 2001
A coke icee machine like at Burger King:confused: .The most tricked out 125 and maybe a nice tricked out thumper.I like the BBR cr80/250f.:eek: and get people who design motocross tracks to come build a nice one for me and a woods section through our woods.:)


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Originally posted by VintageDirt
If I win I'm quitting my job. Then I'll pay off the house, and my Mom's house. Get me an '81 Maico 490 and a '75 Falta replica and a twin port and a new KTM and a Super Duty and a motor home and a bionic knee and a case of beer a pack of slim jims some doritos a big fat green cigar and I'll buy Hi-Torque Publishing (no can't do that probably wouldn't have enough money).
:) :) :) :) Thank God for VD!
If I had won it, I'd be giving a lot more people the finger.


Sep 13, 2000
Originally posted by Julius Pleaser

Thank God for VD!
Is anyone else disturbed by this post?:scream: Sorry Julius, I just couldn't resist.

Have no fear, the lawyers are already after one of the winners. Four of her co-workers are claiming the winning ticket was part of an office pool. The winner's story says she bought $190 in tickets (all losing of course) and then went back later and bought $20 (including the winner) worth for herself. It must be nice having those kinds of problems!


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Yep, it's gonna be a feeding frenzy. The winners will be lucky if they get to keep ANY of it.
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