angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
All year long I try to find some redeaming quality to racing this race. It is always dry, dusty and HOT! I've never had a top 5 even in the C class. I live 40 minutes away, but I hate riding here. Needless to say, I was pesemistic about my chances. I did, however ride myself into good shape in the 2 weeks since Honey Lake.
The Timekeepers motorcycle club is one of the best ever. They do a great job with what they have. What they have is a baren hillside full of skull sized loose boulders strewn across dry baked California hard pan. Throw in some decent single track in the bushes and canyons and you have 9 miles of fun.
The start did not go well. I got off the line ok, but was instantly pushed outside. The pace was fast early and the dust in back of the pack was bad. I decided to pass the rider in front of me, but I crashed attempting to. I was now in second to last. I settled down and steadilly worked my way into race pace. I caught one of my friends with 2/3 of the race complete. I could see him for 3 laps, but I finally caught up and he let me by after getting tired. I was riding ok and caught up the the 5th place rider in my class. Another friend of mine who was riding really well. I got on his rear wheel, but couldn't pass. On the last lap, he laid it down in some singletrack and I got by. I instantly pulled a comfortable lead, but a few miles later I stalled my bike. It took 3 kicks to get going, and he was all over me again. Luckilly, I stayed in front and kicked up enough dust to hold him off to the finish. 5th place again, barely, and 34th overall. I was happy enough about that I guess, but I was happier that I didn't feel very tired and seemed to ride much better here than normal. Last year I crashed 8 times and finished 8th in vetB class. With a sand race next, I was feeling good about things.
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