
Dec 20, 2001
ok how does all that work???i need to know step by step instructions on jumping ...and dont leave anythign out me killed


Dec 10, 2001
If you are talking about preloading the suspension which I think you are then here is how it works. Don't go and get killed, I only have 1 year of MX racing myself. Preloading is in my mind generally reserved for small jumps about log size. These jumps when hit with momentum tend to have the rear suspension kick up and make you land very nose first. For these type jumps I try to do this. Get in jump position, standing etc. and about 3-5 feet before the jump push down on the bars hard and instanly go back to normal stance. This will hopefully cause the front end to be unloading while going up the face of the jump. This should counter what the rear end trys to do naturally and give a neutral position while in the air.
Like I said, this is what I use it for, my one bud does this for every race and is a expert MXer with years of experience.
Hope this helps.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
What Stan described is really "Unloading" the suspension.

Preloading is doing a similar thing, but later and timing it such that the additional rebounding of the suspension helps you achieve more lift off of the face of a jump.

I wouldn't mess with unloading, preloading, seat bounces, etc until you get the basics down well.


Gone Bye-Bye
Oct 15, 2001
take gomer's advise he knows:p
we'll be at TNT the sat before the atlanta race, hope so see ya there.
oh yea- had any good seafood lately?????
hope you're feeling better:D

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
take gomer's advise he knows
Yeah, everytime I unload my suspension it either says "Thanks" or "About Time"!
we'll be at TNT the sat before the atlanta race, hope so see ya there.
You're not going to run the amature races at the Dome that Sunday?
oh yea- had any good seafood lately?
No, but I've been pricing the airline tickets to Chicago (man, I miss Bob Chinn's!)
hope you're feeling better
I am, thanks! My head is clear(er), but now I found out that I've got a herniated disk in my lower back. :( Not sure when I'll get back on a bike. :ugg:
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