Questions on the Power Now or Power Plus


Dec 31, 2001
Has anyone tried this item, the carburator insert? I was looking for feelings or reviews from people actually using it and what improvements, if any, they achieved from this product.

It's a little pricey for most to just go out and get it on the hope that it works, so I'm looking for more info.

I was mostly concerned with 4 stroke results (CRF450 and XR400), but I have a 2003 CR250 that I'd like to maybe try it on.

Any input will be appreciated.


Jan 9, 2000
I tried it on a 2 stroke 125 and wasnt impressed, ive been told it works on the 450 4 strokes well but not so good on the 250 4 strokes.


Dec 31, 2001
Thank you, I was planning to use it on an XR400 and a CRF450, so maybe I can feel a difference :ride:

It just a little pricey to buy without actually getting feedback from people as to it's actual performance, and it doesn't seem to be popular/common enough yet. I haven't run into anyone that has it on their bike.

I prefer not to be the "first on the block" :yeehaw:
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Jan 9, 2000
I made one as i feel they are way over priced- dbrace a member here sells a cheaper version on his website.


Jun 24, 2004
I put one on my 450, and was not all that impressed. I really could not tell much of a differance to tell you the truth.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
marcusgunby said:
I tried it on a 2 stroke 125 and wasnt impressed, ive been told it works on the 450 4 strokes well but not so good on the 250 4 strokes.

I made a couple different versions that I tested on the flow bench and then I tried on my YZF444 and all I managed to do was add a part throttle (about 1/8 - 1/4 ) burble that I couldn't jet out, pulling the devices out and returning to original jetting would cure it each time. Bear in mind that I was starting with a bike that was jetted very sharp and running race fuel that vaporizes at a lower temp than pump gas.

The only place where I could see this type of device having some advanatge would be in an engine like the KTM 4xx where they share intake components with the 5xx models. They seem to be sized for the bigger bike so the lazy port velocities on the smaller bikes MIGHT be a good candidate for an increase in signal near the needle jet.

The japanese bikes all have pretty high port speeds, and have stock carbs that are fairly small relative to the displacement and rpm range so it's unlikely you'll find a need for additional signal strength on these engines.


Dec 31, 2001
Thank you all for your responses.

Based on what you've told me, I'll keep looking for someone local that has one to test, before I make another unnecessary purchase (of which I've made many, according to my wife, otherwise known as "She Who Must Be Obeyed") :worship:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
thorspapa said:
before I make another unnecessary purchase (of which I've made many, according to my wife,:

None of the rest of us have EVER made an unnecessary purchase, so we have no idea what you are going through. :yikes: :bang: :)


Sep 13, 2004
I put one in my 01 YZ-426 and with the power now installed I no longer had to use the hot start.


Dec 31, 2001
Ok, an update on my relentless search for more power and reluctance/inability to spend money wisely..........

I finally found someone that was willing to part with their Power Now insert to fit an '03 CRF450 for a very reduced price.

The fact that they were willing to part with this wonderful item for a reduced price, when they already owned the bike that it fit, should've rung warning bells and flashing alarms, but none of that fazed me and I proceeded to fork over cash for this miracle item :bang:

My last warning that things might not go well was the person selling the item walking away giggling, jumping up and clicking his heels........while wearing heavy riding boots

The item was in it's package, clean, instruction sheet and propaganda full-color page still with it. It promised gains throught the power band, the elimination of the hot start, and the ability to roost your friends before they put their helmets on...........


Installation is a breeze, no problem, even an idiot can do it (I did it). slip it into the carb's intake bell and the air boot holds it in place. perfect fit too, no slop or jiggling

The snag is the promised results versus what actually happens

No increase in throttle response was felt anywhere. I rode the bike, my son (who is so sensitive to changes he can tell if I changed gas brands :worship: ) felt no improvements anywhere, and it made up for all this by adding a strange area, like a flat spot sort of, somewhere around the transition between low and mid circuits :bang:

I took it back out, it hadn't moved or fallen out, but removing it returned the 450's powerband to it's former glory :yeehaw:

So there's the final chapter on the thread I started looking for "that little extra" from an aftermarket item.

Oh, by the way, IT DID allow the bike to start hot without using the hot start button.....sometimes

I'll now look for another risk taker to unload........I mean sell this nifty little item to, I have a couple of gullible........I mean adventurous prospects in mind.......... ;)

Thanks for all your help and responses
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May 23, 2000
I think Rich was right about it working better on the KTM's. I recently bought a Tork Vane from HT Racing and slapped it in my '04 450 EXC. I wasn't expecting a dramatic change, but it did make a difference for me. It improved the very low-end throttle response and it was noticeable. The Tork Vane was a bit cheaper than the Power Now, so I didn't feel too bad about trying it out. Overall, I'm happy with it.


Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001

Would a device such as a powernow (custom manufactured of course) work well on a bike with an oversized carb (E.G. A 500cc 2-Stroke with a 44mm) to increase throttle response down low?
I'm thinking that it may help more in the oversized carb case because the intake velocity isn't as high at lower RPMs.


Jun 7, 2003
I have done a lot of testing with the power now on my ktm. I tried it with the stock bore and with the 144 kit, also with the stock 39mm and with the 38mm carbs.
It made a difference that I could feel but not the kind of results I was looking for.
I felt it made the power smoother at part throttle, up to half throttle. It also gave the engine less hit when it got into the midrange, and also seemed to lose a little hp on top.
Ofcourse these are seat of the pants results,but my bike feels faster with out it.
The only place where it could help is on some hard slipery corners with no ruts. The smoother power might help.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
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