
Jan 17, 2001
Well I attended another race this past weekend. It was quite fun!! This was for the District 17 State Championship Hare Scrambles held in Rockton, IL.

The race started out in a gravel pit---:think . They gave a small parade lap thru the pit, so you would know where to go. I did not fare well here, as I dropped the bike in heavy sand and then proceeded to almost go over the handle bars after hitting a rather large rock. Bob said "You are not supposed to crash on the parade lap, silly!!" I must say, I was NOT the only one who did this!!:eek:

Anyway, when the race started, the women started in the back (only 2 of us this time unfortunately). I was determined NOT to drop it again in that silly gravel pit (Flintstone size boulders is more like it, and sand pit), and I did fine. Then off into the woods which were at first very cool and quite wide. The ground was tacky and the tires hooked up wonderfully! Then the trail seemed to get more and more narrow and the turns more and more sharp. Quite a technical and slow speed course! There were then a few sections that were thru fields, etc that were very fast and also neat!! I actually got the XR into 5th gear flying around this big pond! ;) Then there was a wooden bridge crossing that was kind of neat too. The next set of trails was also just as technical. A BIG log crossing that just about put me on my head, but a nice recovery!! The next section of woods opened up a bit and we were able to go much faster. When you came out of the woods you then had to cross a RIVER! Not a creek, but a RIVER! And a fast moving one at that!! They told us to stay to the left, near a bunch of big rocks. I took a deep breath and went for it---and at the same time this guys yells to the crowd across the river "Woman rider, Woman rider"---sheesh talk about pressure!! All the while my Brother is yelling--"thats my sister!!!" Anyway I put in it 1st and stand up only to get 1/3 way thru and hit several big rocks that just about put me in the river, instead I land on my seat, now soaked up to my thighs, gun my smoking motor, try to stand again only to get knocked off again and gun it 1 more time to get thru the end and everyone is cheering and laughing!! What fun!!! Then there is still about 2 1/4 miles to go! There is yet another BIG log crossing that is sideways in the trail....I get the bike into position and actually clear it well. The last section is somewhat technical, but not too bad. At this point (7 miles) I think the river has cooled me off and I feel pretty good!:cool: It has also taken a little over an hour to get this far. I fear I am going to start getting lapped soon. I kick it in gear and get moving. I pass thru the last check and go thru the godforsaken gravel pit again and this time handle all the trails perfectly. About 2-3 miles into the woods, yes I am now getting lapped. No big deal, all the riders are polite and say "thank you" when I let them by. I make it to the river crossing again and this time make the same mistakes as last time---only by now I am tired and don't care if I take a swim! All is well and I handle the river crossing again---my cheerleading section boosting my spirits along the way! As soon as I get out of the water and try to make the turn into the woods---I lose the front wheel in the sand!! Damn!! One of my fans runs over to help and I am WAY ahead of him, adrenaline is an amazing thing! I pick the bike up like it is a 125 and get it running in a matter of seconds! After my fun log crossing I again lose the front wheel in heavy sand---only this time my left leg is trapped--my pants are caught under my handle bars and clutch lever and I cannot get it out. I just about get run over by a lapper, then another. I finally get my leg out and simply to not have the strength to pick the bike up again. I finally struggle to get it up, and have to sit on it to catch my breath. Then Bob shows up!!:think He takes a much needed rest with me for a minute and then says he will follow me to the end (about 2 more miles). He, of course, did another lap, but I was done. It had only taken me about 45 minutes for the 2nd lap--quite an improvement. I am happy with my overall achievement!

They hold the awards ceremony and I actually got a standing ovation from the guys!!!! That was the coolest!:cool: I have a great 1st place plaque to show my hard work, and boy did I earn it! Thanks again for all the encouragement!!!!!!!!



Sep 20, 2000
Congratulations Anne:)

5th gear! I don't think I've ever used 5th, on the trails. These bikes come with 6 speeds I understand. Wow if you would of got into sixth, you may have been lapping riders. Do you have enough points now to upgrade?:)

If you like riding rocks, have I got the event for you, the Polecat Enduro!

Keep it up you are doing GREAT! Keep submitting reports they are well written and entertaining.
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Way to go Anne :) I agree with Jonala, keep them reports coming (all of you). As for fifth, whereabouts is that? hehe

As for dumping the bike on the parade lap, where else are you meant to dump it? That way it gives everyone concern for you & they'll give you a wide berth while out riding ;) Do you have a rehydrating system? I always take a drink before bothering to pick up the bike, believe me, it helps.
Oh, any photos? And yip, you should be proud of yourself.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Way to go Anne

Congrats on winning! It sounds like the course was really technical. You did a great job!

As far as crashing on the parade lap.....why would you crash in the woods where no one could see it. You've got to have wittnesses for the really good ones. ;)

Again, great job and congrats!


Sep 6, 2000
very interesting report u have there anne :)
esp the part where u described the river crossing, n i can never understand how you woods rider clear those logs. mabey next time you could elaborate more on how you clear the logs!
and the standing ovation part.......way cool :D
going down on the parade lap.. i can relate to that. :p I had to go this victory lap once and even before i could go to the point to start my rounding, i this corner! omg i can never forget the embarresment ,with hundreds of spectators n the tv3 crew n the commentator!!!argh:scream:

those darn extra laps..


Jan 17, 2001
Thanks, everyone!!

My brother did take some pictures, and I will get them developed this week and post a few. And yes, hydration is a must with me. That does seem to calm me down a bit also when I get nervous or after picking the bike up.

It was an awesome day that I will cherish for years to come!! Thanks for being my support! My friends at work and my family just dont get it, but it is nice to talk to others that do!!


Mar 19, 2001
Just wanted to say thanks for coming and that you did great! Making it across the river was a job well done! I am glad that everyone was nice when they passed you. You also put in some good lap times as it was taken the leaders around 25-30min to do a lap. This course was more technical because this is where we use to put on our enduro. THe section that you rode was on of our harder sections.
Once again thanks for coming, hope to see you at some more races.

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