RB Carb mod versus port/head milling


Apr 23, 2001
Any direct experience between these two options for more engine performance? I've heard the carb mod with stock porting isn't effective. Differing comments?

Or would the ultimate be the port/milling then carb mod?

I believe the cost for the carb mod is around $200 versus nearly $500 for port/milling work. Any suggestions on most cost-effective upgrade?

Thanks in advance.


Oct 14, 1999
'I've heard the carb mod with stock porting isn't effective.'

You didn't hear that from me.

It is indeed effective.

$400 spent at EG's will get you just a port job.

Oh...AND a big bore AND the parts to go in it complete with gaskets AND your KIPS all spanky new looking (cleaned up).

BTW, I the last $ I saw for ron to modify the 35mm pwk was $165.

Ask him youself here!

It would be curious to see what you've done already as far as modification if it's bang for the $ you're looking for. Some pretty good 'bangs' are almost FREE.


Apr 23, 2001
All, Thanks for the responses. Think I've decided the carb mod is the best bang for the buck. Porting and mill work prices were from a local (very good reputation) shop.

Just finished with full suspension respring/revalve and have done the normal air box lid, rejetting, FMF torquie, re-gearing, and UNI filter. Just looking for that next (and likely last after the steering dampener) performance boost before I quit and call it a KTM.

Enjoying the bike and the legendary reputation. Also, this board and participants make the KDX experience even more enjoyable.

Thanks again.


Jan 28, 2002
Glad to see that you did the suspension BEFORE you did any engine work. Everyone should be so smart ! At your altitude I'd definately recommend you get the head milled. RB that does the carb mods will do it really reasonably and it makes a hecku'va difference "up here" [3% compression loss per 1000ft] I live in Denver area and used to ride your area until the fire. Have any of the trails / roads opened up yet? contact me sometime --culbertsonglass1@juno.com


Apr 23, 2001
The Hayman fire really whacked a lot of riding in the Divide, CO area. I noticed one small (very kewl) section by Signal Butte is now open but the trails beyond are still closed. A believe the holdup is a combination of deadfall danger, flash flood danger, and erosion problems. It's a pity as one trailhead for the entire network is one ridable mile from my front door. Needless to say I excercise the trails weekly and often daily. I'll ck with the RB Carb folks on their recommendations before I make a final decision. Tks for the advice.


Oct 14, 1999
Was that one of the arson fires? What a crock of crap! Our local area got bit to the tune of 600-some-thousand acres last year!

re: good reputation

From someone that doesn't know them and has no intelligent insight on the matter (consider the source, he said)...don't do it unless you' ve ridden their product! I had an RD ported by a 'good reputation' mech. Ruined it.

Note the EG has (in the past if not now) a load of junk cylinders available for those that want to practice grinding on 'em. HHhhmmmm.....where do you think those 'junk' cylinders came from?

On this board there are a good number of happy riders with EG's work. His price is reasonable (if not dirt cheep!). Last year he was 'out' about eight weeks or so...but that backlog is pretty much cleared up I understand.

I'm real leery of hot-rod porters. There are a whole lot of people think they are good at it......and they're nothing but hackers!

Consider an internationally known and respected tuner.

.....imo and all that.
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