RC/ Pastrana mix up


Jun 21, 2000

I think what got the ball rolling/ that is the crowd turning on RC is the generic speech he gave at the US Open about how it was not about money, he should of avoided that subject all together or been a little more honest, who wouldn't go for 2million a year. He is a great rider, but it seems his character is just unbelievable in front of the camera. My impression is everything he says is B.S. "That's just my impression" I think that's what has the crowd against him, he just isn't himself in front of the camera he tries to be perfect, "I went to honda because of the technology"says ricky, Ya, right. I'm sure he will do well this year he is very focused on winning, but the pressure from the fans and from Honda my get to him. I think he would of done better with Team Green. although I'm a yamaha fan.


Jul 11, 2001
Travis the fastest rider on the track? I don't know. He pulled a long lead when RC and the Cobra were slowing each other down dicing, but when he broke free, Ricky had no problem at all reeling Travis in in a rapid hurry. It was only the time lost finding a way around Travis that allowed Vuillemin to catch up. Still, when the Cobra did catch up, Ricky couldn't shake him. I still think RC is the fastest rider on the track, but only by a hair now, not by a country mile, like last year. Vuillemin, Travis, and at times LaRocco and Fonseca, have all shown the ability to run at Ricky's pace. This season could go down in history as one of the greatest ever.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by LongTime

I don't know. A "cool" smilie for that story?

you had to be there. they were both just kind of floundering around. they were going very slow. he went down and she couldn't/wouldn't or didn't try to stop. he didn't get hurt, i think it just surprised him a little. everyone got a kick out of it, including the boy's parents. nephron, my daughter is not fast at all. she usually runs about in the bottom third of the 60 class. you have absolutely nothing to fear from us. just stay away from the mamba.;)

don't worry, i'm not a pee wee dad. never have been. i don't like those guys.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
You would be wise to stay away from the Mamba. When I saw it at Casey, it was haulin' azz. When I picked it up off BSwift, I noticed it was kinda heavy, too. :debil:

If any of you non-District 17 guys ever go to Casey, hang around by the Turn 2/double-double section. I personally witnessed 437 lowsides, highsides, tank slappers, endoes, and other assorted full-pucker moments there during Dirtweek 01.


Nov 17, 2000
You mention the part that the technolgy was better at the Honda camp
per RC.Knowing whats going on with Kawasaski and Suzuki, that might just be true! Maybe Kawie isn't spending the $ on development the way sales are going for them ...and Suzuki, that would not be hard to beleive.

not jsmith
RC is ,whether anyone wants to believe it or not,one of the best, I think Cobra is just as fast, if not faster (proof, once he got around RC, he was gone!), and TP is also right there along with some others. I don't hold anything against RC, even if he did it for the money! BIG DEAL thats what its all about.
''HE SHOULD STAY with KAWASAKi, LOOK WHAT KAWIE DID FOR RICKY ,.......what about what Ricky did for Kawasaki? you don't think that he helped them as much as they helped him? Sure they gave him good equipment and gave him a chance and all, but somebody as good as RC, can win on anybodys bike, and once he started winning, he stayed with Kawasaki for quite some time, but like everybody, the job gets boring after awhile, maybe he just needed a change,work with differant people and all, and Honda offered at the right time?

enough bashing, lets all watch a great season, it hasn't been this good in a long time!


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by huskyboy
If you were there, there is no way you could see what happened. You just booed cuz everyone else did. You need to look at the TV replay to see what really happened. Tired of the WAHHH, WAHHH's. :mad:

Actually, many of us were there and the vast majority of those reported the event correctly, before the TV replay. I, for one, made a report in another thread less than 30 minutes after the race. So there is and was a way. :p


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by JMD
I don't know who started the nonsense about RC thinking the race was over a lap early, but that was clearly not the case.

I did, but that was because the race announcers called the next to last lap as the last lap. As RC went through the rhythmn section and pulled a slight gap, they said RC will now make it three in a row. As he hit the finish line jump, they were confused and said words to the effect of "wait a minute, he's getting the white flag, there is still another lap to go."

This brings up another point. If you are going to a supercross race, make sure you take a FM radio with headphones.


Jun 21, 2000

I don't blame RC one bit for going for the money, I just think he sounds generic when interviewed I think that's why he gets booed alot, just doesn't sound sincere. If I were asked directly if I done something for the money I would just say, sure that's part of it & Honda is the other part, I don't blame anyone for making decisions for themselves.


Oct 7, 1999
Hey MX -- I'm glad (seriously) to hear that - - not surprised, though, given the high average level of the DRN crowd.

You can see how the original version might have scared a guy who's into kids. Do we have a <Phew!> smilie? :cool:
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