Rear Shock Very stiff!!! need help

Can Can Kev

Feb 24, 2003
hey guys, i have a 2000 YZ 125, i bought it used and have had it for about 2 years not the suspension was okay since the day i got it but recently i noticled the rear shock kept getting stiffer untill now it is so still it will only dampin say 2 inches? inless a very large force is put on it, i noticed this kinda happened when the weather shifted from cold to hot but i live in California so its not that drastic, i dont knwo a whoel lot about suspension but as ikinda tinkered with the clickers and no cigar i know there must the a setting somewhere the adjusts the softness and firmness ofthe dampening not just rebound ect. when i land from jumps the rear suspension barley dampens and it feels liek im caseing a jump when im not any help woudl be greatly aprechiated..... :eek:


Jun 21, 2000
Do you notice any sign of it leaking? Do you know if the bladder cap is still seated where it should or is it pushed further in the reservoir. I seriously would not ride this bike until the shock is fixed. The symptoms you describe are pretty alarming especially the fact the shock refuses to move further than 2 inches. Take the shock off, remove the spring and try pushing just the damper all the way in, you should be able to do this by hand even if it is not easy. It should also push itself back all the way. If your shock can do this, then your problem is elsewhere. You may have a linkage bearing frozen in rust.

Can Can Kev

Feb 24, 2003
no signs of leaking and where is this bladder cap? i notice nothing out of the ordinary if it is the shock is this going to be a very costly rebuild most likely? oh and as far as riding on iti rode my first race last friday on it ooops ....

Can Can Kev

Feb 24, 2003
okay i just went at it i took the rear shock off but i dont have anything to take the spring off with but thats not the problem, i with the sock off the swing arm wont move i didnt even block the rear tire when on ther stand and other wise it the swing arm would have just hit the ground but it wont biudge i believe this would be my problem lol correct?


Oct 30, 2002

Yep, give that puppy some grease and replace any seized bearings. Also be sure to check the top and bottom shock bearings.

Can Can Kev

Feb 24, 2003
okay all of the linkage bearings are locked up!!! lol maybe that was it anyways im going to have to replace them all now how do u get the old ones out are they pressed in any tips, i tryed a socket and a hammer and it didnt work too good .


Apr 17, 2002
Use the socket method, but instead of hammer, use a bench vice to press them out( I use a woodworkers typeand various sockets to allow pressing) and warm the swingarm to expand slightly before pressing. Be sure to measure where the bearings are set in the swingarm before pressing so you can press them to the same depth when replacing
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