Replaced front brake line, now no front brakes


May 19, 2003
I crashed a couple weeks brack, and took out my front brake like in the process, litterally ripping it in half. So anyway i got a new moose front brake like and brake lever and went out today to install it. So at first i left the cover off the master cyclinder and just keep on trying to bleed the brakes. I would pull the lever about 5-10 times, hold it, open up the bleeder screw and close it, then let go of the lever and repeat the process. so after doing that for a hour and a half i figured i must be doing something wrong so i looked at the service manual and it said to keep the cover on. Ok so i put the cover on and did it again. still no pressure at all. So i go and get my one man bleeder and try that. There was no air in the system. So now im getting bull****, The MC is pushing the fluid out to the bleeder valve so i dont know what is going on. I have no pressure whatsoever. Can someone give me a little help? Thanks :bang:


May 19, 2003
im pretty sure all the air is out of the line, Ill try using a syringe to suck the brake fluid out and make sure, but if that dosnt work what do you think would be the problem


May 19, 2003
Wouldnt it make more since to suck the fluid out than blow it threw? Im not going to be damaging the MC at all by backfeeding it? Im guessing using your method until no more air is coming out the the resevoir. I will try it tommorow and check back in with the results.


Sep 22, 2004
follow the directions you're being told - with a new brake line it will be full of air and you might pump it for 3 weeks before you get pressure - it needs to be reverse bled (push fluid with a syringe from the bleed screw UP to the master cylinder - you will not damage it - don't touch the lever - leave it out).


Nov 17, 2001
If the seals in the mastercylinder go bad, thsi can happen. However, your brake was working before the change. The new line will hold a lot of air. Way more than the stock mastercylinder can push out.

Do what was suggested by the other members before getting worried about the mastercylinder. I always dred changine a front line for the same reason.

It is slightly easier if you attach the top of the new line, fill the cylinder and line, then wait for fluid to drip out of the bottom before you attach it to the caliper.
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