
Apr 20, 2002
TNT Recap

It was great meeting all you guys at TNT this past weekend! I had a blast!!! Much thanks to Gomer for talking me into going and all the support out at the track. I've started getting a little bit of air and it feels great. Can't wait to get back out there.

Hope you guys didn't get in too much trouble Saturday night!


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
We had a great time, my son and I, ..and I think Gene did too. :| ?! Aryn and I look forward to the next time we get to ride with you guys! Linus, Gomer, Ivan, Solo, Spoker, Wrench, Danny, Scott, Scott, Scott, and .... Scott :silly: , it was great to see you again and meet those of you for the first time. Ivan, thanks for not laughing to hard at my wheelie out of the woods! :confused: what was I thinking? Gomer, I'm just glad you left that can of ... :moon: , at the house. I'm sure I forgot to mention someone but I, we, really enjoyed the day. Oh, and that guy with the cannondale, we try to ignore him too! :)
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Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Wow. What a freakin weekend. What you will find here is nothing but the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth... as I see it :)

Friday I fly in from San Diego. I give Gomer a call as I am heading towards baggage. I'm feelin good up to this point, then I step out of the airport and an immediate wave of humidity and heat hit me like a brick wall!!! My body is already screaming at me for food and now it feels the heat so my hunger turns to nausia and as the humidity ignites my sweat glands on comes the migraine! I don't even get to my truck before my sight goes cross, head starts to hurt and I get the dry heaves.

Fortunately, a full blast of a/c from the truck and sitting there with my eyes closed for 10 minutes made me feel well enough to run to the nearest fast food joint and get some food inside. I hit Krystals and grab some bite size burgers, tastes good and keeps the dry heaves at bay but the migraine is still there. Friday night sucked... but I did get to watch SG-1 (my favorite show right now).

Saturday morning I wake up and I am feeling really, really, really, really, really, really, really good. My bed is so damn comfortable that I stayed in it another 2 hours with the post migraine euphoria :)

I get to TNT around 1pm. Dave 96whyzee125, Jer SOLO and I take a ride through the woods. It was HOT. Not hot as in "wow I'm hot" but DAMN HOT!! I was hating life. I wanted to take off and get back to the cool temps and low humidity of San Diego as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, that wasn't in the cards. I did take some time to talk to Dave and SOLO's mom. Dave is a pretty good guy and his son didn't seem to tire out the entire day. SOLO's parents are great. I really appreciate the sacrifice they make for SOLO so he can ride and enjoy things at his age. They are very nice people and are raising a really, really good son (he just needs to do his homework <g>).

Got to see a Cannondale C440. It sure did look nice. Didn't ride it b/c I was tired and didn't want to wear myself out since I was racing that night. Wrench gets there and after he and Gomer get the new tires on Wrench's bike he and I take off to Top Gun MX to race. Unfortunately, the ride was longer than I thought and we got there too late to practice :( The good news is that Lincolnton / Iron Gate NC is high enough in the mountains / foothills that the temps were a good 5 to 10 degrees cooler.

The heat race starts with two drops. 250A/B and C on one drop and 250D on the second. Unfortunately, the track is way too small for that many riders (over 20) and that many different skills. Wrench gets a good start. I don't. I go too far straight and completely blow the turn. All of my class is heading over the ski jump before I even get oriented enough to turn.

The ski jump is cool. It is about 25 feet from take off to the drop down landing. I like it. There are also 2 triples on the track and a few easy doubles. The triples are both set up around 70 feet or so. The take off dips afterwards and slightly comes up so if you double and come up short it isn't that bad. Then the second lip goes down slightly but tapers down over the remainder of the jump so it almost is like a single to a table top but there is enough of a lip between the first and second landing that it looks like a cool triple. The A riders definately made it look cool. Then again, they made the single single into a large double so I guess they make anything look cool.

Ok, so now I'm way, way behind on an unfamiliar track. I decide just to enjoy it. Everyone, including Wrench, is so far ahead that I know I have no hope. Then I come around after the 1st lap and see the ski jump. I'm in 2nd gear and I twist it. I hit the face and fly and notice Wrench entering the left-hander after the ski jump. The jump was cool but since the ski jump fell away when I landed I was in too low of a gear to keep my momentum going well. I start trying to remember the track and double both triples and double one of the easy doubles. Then we come back and I can see Wrench close enough that I feel I can catch him. Good since it is the 3rd lap and time is running out (heat races are 3 laps and the main is 5 laps).

I hit the throttle in 2nd and loft off of the ski jump. I see Wrench and I shift to 3rd. Then I hit the ground and keep my momentum up and around the turn and then around the next. He stays in all the good lines and I have a time getting around him. Finally, I double the first triple and move right up with him. Then I double the second triple and almost go off the side and into the pond!!! Fortunately, I keep dirt under me and make the pass.

2 or 3 turns later I am thinking how much I like the track when I see a table top and I think it is a long one so I shift to third and hit it hard. OH SHINOLA!!!! Behind me goes the landing and up comes the turn. I am hard on the brakes when I land and slide up and and over the berm sideways!!! The flagman is standing there soiling his shorts as Wrench goes by, takes a right hander and over the finish line jump.

Well, overall last place isn't too bad since I was forced to learn the track in 3 hot laps. Then again, so did Wrench.

In the gate waiting to go out for the main I heard that there was a kid in the 125D class running a 250D. That upset me a little since he was allowed and I wasn't. Then I remembered, if I had the chance to run 125D I'd lie and say I had a 267 just so I could stay in the 250D class. Those 125D kids are scary :)

Also, on the 4-wheeler start two guys got tangled up and after about 30 seconds one threw a punch at the other. A real punch too, not one of those Vuilleman wimpy slaps. He was thrown out on the spot. The other guy took off and bobbled and went into the chain link fence.

On the start, instead of 5 people that were in the heat there were 7 for the main in 250D. They trophy 5 spots so I'll have to earn it or get lucky.

On the start I'm in last place but in the hunt. I end up getting around Wrench by following a guy on a Honda. The guy on the Honda and I are battling pretty good. I'm behind him and then on the 3rd lap I try to pass him on a table top. The same table top that I overjumped, I overjump again. I do the same brake lock up and the flagman gets another opportunity to dirty his shorts... ooops.

That took me away from the battle and the Honda is gone and I have my position locked up so I decide just to chill since the A riders are lapping us. 3 of them go by no problem as I hold my line and double while they triple. Then on the last lap I move up on a corner and go wide so I can give the A rider the inside. I go high and am already exiting the corner when one of the A riders tries to take me on the outside... all 4" of it!!!

Needless to say our bars get tangled, I go down and he goes down. I notice as we are going down that we almost hit a flagger. Poor guys.

I jump up and start yelling at the guy, "Sir, might I inquire why you didn't take the inside as I gave you as much of an opportunity to take that line as possible. I held my line on the outside, sir and am quite perplexed as to why you didn't take the inside." However, it sounded a lot more like "You stupid $%^& I gave you the entire *&^%$$# inside line. You A riders are dumber than most &^$% D *&%^#@ riders!!"

He didn't reply but just got his bike off mine and took off. I drive up a little and see a pack coming so I pull to the side and let them fly by. I then pull out and finish the final lap in last place of my class. They mark me as a DNF for some reason but I got that sorted out. The last thing I wanted was to waste my 7th place points, the skin on my elbow and the small bruise bubbling on my upper right thigh b/c of a scoring error. Granted it was last place but it was worth 7th place points and last place any other time would be 14th or 15th so I wanted those 7th place points.

Wrench and I hit the bed around midnight (seperate beds... I slept with my wife, honest <vbg>) and plan on getting up around 7 or 8am to hit TNT and ride with everyone. I remember thinking as I laid my head down... tomorrow will be better.

We get up a little later than expected and immediately start up and take off. We get 10 feet and I notice I had a flat front tire!!!

(**&&^^ &(&&( (&(^(*^ oh, and (&(Y(*(&_*&(*)&IU!!!!!!!

We get the tire changed and get to TNT but I'm not feeling good so I take it easy. I miss out on riding with the Scott's and others b/c of bad timing on my part. I miss out on riding with Stumpy b/c he decided at the most inoportune time on Tuesday that he needed a nail sample from his right big toe!!! Yep. Come to find out he hit something and broke his toe. It also popped his toe nail out. Yuck.

Finally, I do a light loop through the woods with SpokerAce and it was a nice loop. Then I take a long break and go talk to Bruce McCrarry and his son, Bryan, in their air conditioned motorhome. Finally they talk me into a loop in the woods.

As we hit the woods I can actually feel the temperature dropping a degree or two. Bryan takes off on his KX250 and is flying. He definately has some great speed. Bruce is kind enough to let me try... try... and chase him down!! Wow. Bryan is fast. This is only his third ride on the 250 after moving up from the 125 but you can tell he is really comfortable. There were a couple sections where he'd wheelie over all the rough stuff while I just pounded through. I tried to wheelie once and it felt good over the rough stuff until my back tire broke loose and I almost hit... ok, I did... hit a tree. I didn't go down but by the time I looked up Bryan was gone, yet again!

We did the entire loop at TNT, the one over the creek on both ends and up. The only thing we didn't do was the tight single track. We took a few breaks but we were moving for the most part. That was the fastest I've ever went through the woods at TNT. I made a lot of mistakes, bounced off a few trees and really enjoyed it.

I then hit the track for a lap and jump everything that I normally jump but one jump. It was nice and I felt really good. However, the temps were dropping and as soon as I got back to the pits it started to rain. I go to concession and wait it out. Then I load up, bs a litlte and go home.

Overall, it was a weekend rating of a 7 and a Sunday rating of a 10. Saturday only sucked b/c of the crash and the flat tire which I noticed on Sunday but attribute to Saturday's ride home.

I had fun and really enjoyed talking to everyone and bs'ing. Riding with so many great people is what I like the most about all this and this was great. I also am very appreciative of Jenni. I was gone for an entire week, come home and take off for two days to hang out with other dirt-heads like myself. I get home and she helps me unload and lock everything up. It's nice to be home.

Now, I look for the rest of the stuff that I missed Saturday night while everyone camped out :eek:



Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Ivan....have you looked into CrystalsAnon? :)

" name is Ivan....and I'm a belly-buster-aholic, I've been eating sliders for years..."
"Hi, Ivan!"


Jan 15, 2000
Friday night I was waiting for my dad to get home from fishing to help me get the bike in the back of the little purple van. He didn't get bac home until about 3:30 in the morning so I decided that I should just go ahead and pack everything up then try to get some sleep. That never happened so I just stayed up and looked on DRN until everyone woke up.

We were outta here by 9:00 A.M. Arrived at TNT around 11:30 and only other DRN'er there was 96whyzee125 (I am glad he had those fender stickers or I would have been just sitting there a long time.) so he helped me get the bike out of the big purple van and then we got everything else set up.

Before long Ivan pulled up and got everything ready. I got into my gear and was about to take a practice lap around the track since it was my first time there with my 125, but that didn't go as planned because my bike wouldn't start. I kicked and kicked and heard "Kick it Alice!" more times than ever. Thanks to Wrench, Ivan, and Dave we discovered that it was a plug. My previous jetting was very rich and it was pretty messy looking. Afte we changed it Wrench kicked it about five times and some spooge shoots out of the silencer and she is running!

I took my lap around the track but it was way too hot to do another one. Ivan took me and Dave out into the woods and was good enough to wait on us every few minutes or so. I hate the woods! I told myself that I wasn't going in again the rest of the weekend.

By the time we got out of the woods a few people had shown up. Spoker Ace, Wrench, and Gomer wasn't too far behind. After a very long rest in the shade I decided it was time to hit the track and try to make myself look good. The first few laps I was still sizing up some of the new stuff they had added and the track looked easy enough so I decided to sart going for it.

I started doing most of the doubles, and I doubled the triple which was really cool, but the las few sections is where I had the most fun. Starting with the triple that I doubled and then going into an s-turn with a little air if you take the inside, then a single down the hill into a left hander that takes you to the uphill double that you couldn't over jump, then a step down that felt awesome to a small step up that was fun. Next was the loooong sweeping right hander into the whoops where you could double double triple and that was tons of fun. That took you to the last really fun part, a left hander followed by a small double to a weird looking double/triple sort of thing.

After four laps of that I just went back to the van and poured some water on my head and sat there. I sat and talked to Spoker Ace after he pulled out of the woods early because of the heat and sweat getting in his eyes. Eventually we saw a person from our group come out of the woods, then me and spoker ace just wondered where everyone else was. Five minutes later another guy came out then ten or so minutes later everyone else makes it out. That is when stumpy broke his toe I think. I didn't even know he broke it until they were loading him up to take him to the hospital.

I rode on the MX track the rest of the day, I got to ride Dave's big bor YZ and that motor hit HARD once it got on it. The suspension definitly wasn't for me but besides that I liked it. I rode some more until I just couldn't go another foot. I changed and sat around with everyone and we talked until the food got there. Barbara was nice enough to go out and get everybod steaks. They were some good steaks too! Then everyone went and shot some fireworks. I heard someone say "I've got an idea." while grabbing a few explosives so I decided that bed was a nice place to be.

I woke up the next morning when the sun was coming up and I couldn't sleep because the wonderful hum of a certain someone's generator was just too good so I just had to listen to it. After a while of staring at nothing I saw that Spoker Ace and Gomer's son Danny were alive and moving around so I got up too and we sat there and talked for a while.

After breakfast again thanks to Barbara I rode some more of the track and I even did the rythem section a few times, I wasn't too comfortable trying it every time so I just quit doing it. It was almost as hot as yesterday so I needed a break after a few laps so I sat under the awning of the camper. Ivan and Wrench got there not too long after that and we heard about Ivan and the A rider.

Next thing I know I'm back in the woods again! :( This time Wrench got me out there with Danny. It wasn't as bad as the first trail but it was alot longer. Then we came up on the unopened soon to be beginner/atv track. That thing was a load of fun. It had a few doubles with some really fun table top's. I got Wrench to follow me over the bigger double and I knew he made it because I heard him behind me screaming something like "COOL!!!". We made a few more laps and I was perfecting my whips over the table tops. Even had a look back whip over to Wrench and that felt cool. Eventually we got outta there and made it back to the parking lot.

I rode some more MX and after a while it started to rain so we packed it up before it became a mud bog to get out of the parking lot. (Thanks to Wrench and Spoker Ace for helping me get the bike back in the van.) I got home at around 7:30 and I took a shower and passed out on the bed.

I had tons of fun and I don't think that I even got to meet everybody. Thanks to everybody that helped me out with my bike. Ivan, sorry you didn't get to ride the bike but now you just have to go riding with me again to see why I like my suspension so much. :)

Thanks to everyone for making it a great weekend!


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Well I hate that I couldn't make it.

The woods course we rode Saturday got the best of Us.

I was completely wore out and sore Sunday morning. There was a 3-4 ft straight drop-off cliff that you need to jump in order to clear the creek that runs beside it. The guy that owns the track said "either hit it with the front end light and on the gas OR go around it off to the right....WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T HIT THE BRAKES because you'll flip over as you can't ride it down." So the first time I got to it...what do I do...HIT THE BRAKES!!! IDIOT!! It was the best slow motion endo into a muddy creek that I ever did. I think it was a 10 point no splasher until the mighty XR400 fell right on top of me. OUCH!!

My brother Steve (Scott #2 to some of you) ended up losing it in a weird creek crossing/uphill/off-camber/downhill/left turn/over-some rocks kinda thing. We heard him grunt over the sound of the bike bouncing over the rocks and through the woods to Grandmother's house - so we knew it wasn't good. I'm guessing he was in and out while we let him lie there until the feeling came back. I had time to make sure he was alive, make sure he was conscious, raise his bike out of a ditch, get it started (freakin 4 stroke), clear the obstacle, get it parked, and walk back over to him before he even attempted sitting up. He has a fractured wrist, several other cuts and bruises, and I'd bet a mild concussion. He is probably out of commission for several weeks.

So NO Gomer, it wasn't you keeping me away this time.


Apr 20, 2002
I've decided on staying out of the woods from now on. Those tight trails are too scary for me. I'd rather take my licks from a bad landing on the MX track as opposed to them thar' trees! :uh:


Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
Sorry I missed all the fun, instead I had to stay home and play real estate agent (that's not in my job description :think: ).

Good reports guys. Ivan, I don't like the idea of having all those classes on the track at once, unless of course it's my class and the 6 year olds.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by Lemming
Good reports guys. Ivan, I don't like the idea of having all those classes on the track at once, unless of course it's my class and the 6 year olds.

I agree and usually it isn't like that. At least this weekend at Shelby it won't be like that.

I really liked the Top Gun track though.



Jul 3, 2000
I don't have a lot to add after the short stories that Truespode and Solo wrote.

Wrench and I planned on meeting at the QuickTrip at 8am on Saturday. Wrench showed his female tendencies by arriving 40 minutes late (okay, maybe it was only 30 minutes).

After picking up ice etc, we hit the road. As with any roadtrip, a stop at the Waffle House is in order. Turns out there was a fireworks store next door to the Awful Waffle. After filling our bellies, Wrench stocked up on fireworks and we were off. We arrived at TNT a short while later and as we were signing in, Gomer and a bunch of others arrived right behind us.

We arrived at the parking area and grabbed a spot next to the big purple van. Solo and a few others were working on his bike. Wrench and I walked over to offer some words of encouragement. Wrench had to change tires on his bike so I watched the fun and commented on how much easier it is to take them to the shop to be changed! I then headed out to the track to take a couple of warm up laps. Solo gave me the heads up on the direction to head out in...I then passed him before a tabletop!! Alright, so he pulled over to the side to let me go by, looked like he was worn out. I lasted a whole two laps before I needed to rest. It was HOT.

After a little while I joined a trail ride but could only make it 3/4 of the way through the loop. I had sweat pouring into both eyes. It was okay when I could only see out of 1, but then the other one filled up. Went to the truck and chatted with Solo and others. Unfortunately by skipping the last portion of the ride I didn't get to see Stumpy show us how to protect your bike when it's about to hit a tree.

Saturday afternoon led to evening and fireworks. We broke out some of Wrench's and then two other folks that were camping brought out their collection. I also remember hearing someone make the suggestion that Stumpy put his toenail up on eBay. I think the description was going to be "clean, barely raced". There were other suggestions made but I don't remember them. I headed to bed only to find that bscottr had strategically placed his generator so that it was louder towards where I was camped. When I woke up the next morning I found some unused firecrackers and evil thoughts ran through my head. I then thought better of it.

Sunday was more trailriding and a few more laps on the track. Once again it was blazing hot. Wrench and I decided to load up and head out, just then it decided to rain. Once the rain slowed down we got Solo loaded up (have you gotten all the mud out of the van yet?), and then loaded up ourselves and headed out.

The trip ended as it began, at a Waffle House! That's living.

A big thanks goes out to Barbara for bringing O'Charleys to us Saturday night and cooking breakfast on Sunday. If you haven't been to TNT, you need to plan on going as soon as possible, you won't meet nicer folks! It was great to see the DRN members I had met before as well as some new folks.

When's the next ride?


Jan 15, 2000
Most of the mud hadn't been pressed in, so after it dried i just had to sweep it out. What didn't do that my mom gave me this stuff t clean it out with and it worked. So the van is ready for the next ride. :aj:

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
With the usual last minute preparations Saturday morning we left the house at 12:30. With Linus in tow, we headed up I-77 (Hey Linus, that pedal on the right makes it go faster! :p). As I got off the interstate, I saw bscottr's truck pulling a camper turning onto 97 ahead of us. I beeped the horn and made rude gestures, but I don't think he saw us. A little ways down the road I found a spot where I could pass and got in front to "show him the way".

After a lot of yapping I finally got the Gomer camp setup (complete with Gomer Shower!). I can't believe noone has mentioned the GS! I put the 10x10 EZ-Up adjacent to the enclosed trailer, closed in the other 3 sides, and ran the pressure washer wand (with nozzle removed) in there pointed down toward the 5' wading pool. It was even furnished complete with shampoo and soap. It worked great. I usually carry 2 55 gallon drums, but this time borrowed an additional 100 gallon tank. We used almost 100 gallons and I ran the other 100 out on the ground as we left.

It was great to see everyone again. I was bummed that Dave had to get back Saturday evening. I was really looking forward to listening to him and bscottr over a couple cold ones. Turns out I had to listen to just bscottr! :scream:

I was bummed all weekend about an electrical problem I haven't been able to chase down with my bike, but having everyone there made it fun despite my bike trying to kill me. I rode Gene's Cannondale for a minute or two...enough to figure out that it was too strange for me! I also rode Slacker's YZ for a few laps. After one lap I figured that something wierd was going on with his suspension. We discovered that Ivan had done him the favor of "setting" his clickers. Once corrected, the bike felt great.

I did one loop through the woods with Linus, Danny, and the Holly Hill Gang. I got the holeshot ;) but let the fast guys go by shortly after that. I was able to use the excuse of riding sweep after I came across Stumpy laying on the side of the trail in the general vicinity of a tree with a lot of bark missing and a huge toe-print right in the middle of it. We gto him back on his bike and to the parking area so that Lori could clean him up and take him to the hospital.

Barbara was (again) unbelievably great to us. She picked up dinner for us when we realized that we had waited too late to make decent arrangement, made coffee for us in the morning, and even cooked breakfast for us! She's a really special friend who always does (too) much for us.

Thanks to everyone for coming. I'm looking forward to the next get-together (after I get my bike running and/or replaced!)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by High Lord Gomer
Barbara was (again) unbelievably great to us. She picked up dinner for us when we realized that we had waited too late to make decent arrangement, made coffee for us in the morning, and even cooked breakfast for us! She's a really special friend who always does (too) much for us.

Barbara is definately one of the best out there.



'00 Flappin' Fender [Ret]
Jun 7, 2000
The weekend in review....

Friday night, I arrived home around midnight (after Julius P. and I re-assembled his KTM). As I was getting my gear bags zipped up, I notice a very unpleasant odor! One of the cats had "marked" my bags!!! :|

It is now about 2:15am, my gear is all washed/packed/loaded and I have to get up at 6:30 to meet Spoker Ace at 8:00. I awoke at 7:20 ... scrambled to get ready ... left Spokes a message (stateing the obvious) ... out the door at 7:56. :)

Then ...<Spoker Ace covered this part> and <Truespode covered this part> It fouled <_SOLO_ covered this part> while <GOMER covered this part>

Thanks [Gomer] for helping me get the tires on the bike changed in time to leave for the races.

Just before we arrived at the track, Ivan proved who his cat had learned his "room clearing skills" from! :debil:

I had a blast battling Ivan in the heat race, although he blew by me in the main. If he hadn't taken out the "A" rider :p I do not think that I could have caught him.

Sunday was a day of leisure, a slow paced trail ride, with a fun few laps on the "forbidden" track (_SOLO_ joined the ranks with Gomer in conning me into doing a double :whiner: ) then a couple of laps on the big track, one of Barbara's special cheese burgers and some bench racing.

Pretty much a great weekend. Can't wait for the next one.

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