
Jan 27, 2000
Sad to report, former two time national number one, Gary Nixon passed away yesterday due to complications of heart surgery. Gary was one of the toughest competitors on the national circuit. He came from a day when racers had to be tough to make it. I was fortunate to have worked with Gary on the Triumph race team. He wasn't an easy guy to work with because he demanded 110 percent from everybody and he produced a 110 percent effort every time he got on the racetrack. Rest in Peace #9 it was my pleasure to have known you.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Motorcycling is less awesome with the passing of Gary Nixon.

Kevin Cameron wrote a nice little piece about #9 on the Cycle World website. Based on the things I've read about Gary over the years this portion of Kevin's article really seemed to bring it home for me :

Nixon was also straight-up, no excuses. When he finished third in some long-ago national, a disappointed fan whined, “What happened, Gary?”

“Wahaddyou mean, what happened?” he replied. “Two other guys was faster’n me, that’s what happened.”

When asked to lead and instruct a riding school, he said, “What would I tell them guys?” When the urgings continued, he shrugged and said, “Watch the starter, get a good start, ’n then in a few laps, start lappin’ guys. An’ then you win the race.”

The rest of Kevin Cameron's words can be seen here : http://www.cycleworld.com/first_motorcycle_ride/special_features_articles/11q3/rip_gary_nixon

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
thank you for the link rich.
i guess those simple words shows how great and humble he was as a racer. no excuses "my bike isn´t fast enough" or "those guys cheat" like we saw everyday.

my condolences to family and all his friends!


Jan 27, 2000
One of Garys famous quotes made right after a riders meeting.
" Well, which one of you son's-a-bitches are going to get second place today?" :nener: :laugh:

That was one of the things that was so cool about Gary. He could dish it out and then he would go out and back it up.
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