
Jan 20, 2002
Guys help me out here

I'm going to buy a DRZ400s at the weekend, it will be my main method of transport for going to and from work during the week (15 miles each way) and i'll also be using it for trail riding and the odd enduro at the weekend. My question is this:

what is the best compromise tyre for road work and trail riding? If i do an enduro i'll put knobblies on, however just for trail riding i'd like to get away without changing tyres.

Any help much appreciated



Feb 18, 2002
Decisions, decisions

See how many street miles you get from a semi-knobbie and compare it to all the other tires you wear out on the road. I've seen street tires on a KLR 650 and I have knobbies on my old Honda 500 twin street bike. My street legal KDX 200 was run on full knobbies. Just remember gravity when you see a possibility of losing traction. Pain hurts. A knobbie becomes a slick in the middle on the street and isn't that better ??? Just remember, wet paint is slippery.
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