Round #17 SX Championship"SPOILER"


Nov 10, 2008

good point


May 2, 2002
I watched the whole race live and thought Reed was doing what he had to in order to win the championship. Without pressure there was no way Stewart was going to finish worse than 4th. For Chad to race for the win and hope something happened to Stewart behind him would have been totally pointless.

From the footage I saw I don't think Stewart casually let Reed catch up, he was making a few mistakes of his own that cost him some time.

As for the move Reed put on Stewart it was aggressive and you could tell it was coming but it definitely wasn't dirty or illegal. Reed had the speed and the line. I guess there must have been something wrong with Stewart's brakes because if he was that keen to avoid an incident with Reed there were plenty of opportunities for him to stop and let him right past.

At the end of the day Stewart was clearly faster this season and rode the way he needed to win and I congratulate him. I think Reed lost his title the previous week with his 7th place. I believe Vegas would have been a very different race with both having to win to take the title, but that's all speculation now.

As for outdoors, I don't know about Chad beating Villipoto but if he is on his game he will be competitive. A few years ago when he was riding outdoors although he was well beaten by Carmichael he took one or two moto wins from him, and there was daylight to the rest of the pack. I think he is a lot better MX rider than people give him credit for; this "not hanging it out" stuff is a lot of bullsh*t.

My prediction for Reed is that he will ride another year with Suzuki (assuming he is on a two year contract?) and then retire from the US and move back to Australia.

SMMWest said:
GREAT STATEMENT. Thank You very much for posting it. I hope after that race people will see Reed for the person he truly is and has been his entire career. :cool:
What type of person is that exactly?

I have a lot of respect for the guy and what he has achieved. He and his girlfriend left their homes, family and country when they were nineteen. They went to Europe with the aim of proving himself there to get easier acceptance to a US team, and promptly took out second in the GP championship. When he moved to the US he had to spend a year in the 125/250F class to "prove" himself, even though he had been riding and winning championships on 250's for quite a few years by that stage. Since then he has risen to the top of his sport, overcome some adversity, and established a career record that few others have achieved. What more could you ask of a guy?


Feb 2, 2001
I think it's funny when both Reed and Bubba talk like they are such great sports and the other is an evil "take you out" kinda rider. Reed pushing Bubba wide was a b*tch move period. But Bubba has certainly had his fair share of b*tch moves too and has no room to speak (cough-landing on RC's back-cough).

It was a good race though. I got the impression that RV was riding this season just for experience. I know Monster Kawi is a diehard team, but I have to wonder if they didn't want him to just use this season as a feeler to adjust to the bike, the pace of the 450 class, and the competition. With some glimpses of greatness, I think he'll be instructed to turn the wick up significantly for next year.

Larry Brooks...what a douchebag. I always thought highly of him, but now it's apparent that he just uses riders for his own gain. The way he just abandoned Mike Alessi, now the way he turned a complete 180 against Chad....Bubba will be no different. Bubba can do no wrong now, but once him and Larry split, you can bank on Larry cussing Bubba up and down the block. And that crap that Bubba was saying about how it was such a big deal for Larry to take the risk of picking him up....whatever. I could start my own team and let Bubba ride my 2001 RM250 and "turn him into a champ" next year. :)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I've seen more contact in a D race at the local fair than I saw between Reed and Stewart.

Stewart whining about that is disingenuous at best and probably fostered by the whining douchebag of a manager, Larry Brooks.

How many times has Stewart taken out people in his 125 days for no good reason? I remember him complaining that the lappers were in his way and he couldn't help it and that it is a tough sport.

Hey, Rubbin is racing and what Reed did is just a love tap.

I don't condone take out moves (cough cough Kyle Chisolm cough cough) but over the past 10 years I have seen more true take out moves by Stewie than I have Reed... and I hate Reed!

I enjoyed the racing all year until last night. There was no fight last night. No racing. Just some fast guys riding around the track protecting position.

It was boring. Extremely boring.

If this is how the closest championship in years is going to be next time I hope the top two riders don't show up so we can see some people out there who actually want to race.

The only riders who came out last night to show something was Villy and Windham. I don't think Windham could have done any better than he did last night but at least he performed at the top of his ability.

Alessi gave up. He got the holeshot and quit. 2 races ago he had the fastest lap time of the night. Now he just phoned it in after the start.

Last night wasn't the final race of the season. It was an exhibition in how to ride around a track and jump things.



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
truespode said:
I enjoyed the racing all year until last night. There was no fight last night. No racing. Just some fast guys riding around the track protecting position.

It was boring. Extremely boring.
That is why I liked the E vs W race, really hard charging up at the front by the 2 guys with #1 on their plates.


Apr 23, 2001
The way I've seen it, Reed has always been a fairly clean rider, until he finally got tired of Stewart never being able to make a clean pass. Now Reed makes it a point to be overly aggressive-but only to Stewart. Reed has never been on probation for dangerous riding, Stewart has. How many others has Stewart had run-ins with? Preston, Carmichel, Windham...???
Undoubtedly Stewart is the fastest, but why put others at risk the way he has? I think this season he improved a little in regards to responsible racing.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
In the heat of battle, everyone is capable of a little rough riding, IMO. Bubba cold have the finger pointed at him many many times over the years. The risk/reward centers of the brain get clouded with adrenaline (younger riders seem more prone to this, lol), and the pass ends up being rougher than intended.

Chad's move was calculated, but it was not terribly vicious, IMO.

Check out this classic takeout Windham delivered to Vuillimen. Has nothing to do with Chad or Bubba, but I just love the vid!


Mar 7, 2001
I thought some indication of their true personalities show through in the interviews.

RV said nice things about Bubba
Reed said nice things about Bubba
Bubba said mean things about Reed and basically insulted RV by saying he let him pull ahead and get a big lead so Reed wouldn't be able to catch him. ???? How that made any sense I don't know, and RV was flying I'm not sure Bubba could have passed him. Next year RV may be right in the hunt,,

Then he insinuated he slowed down and let Reed catch him. Why? Just so he could whine about the pass?

And what was that comment by RC about Bubba being the fastest person ever on a motocross bike.. A little false modesty there methinks.. So far RC was the fastest person ever on a motocross bike. He beat Bubba straight up when ever necessary, and probably still would be beating him if he hadn't retired.


May 8, 2003
I personally think that Bubbles made a fool of himself last night.

I found his move on the track were he almost came to a stop to let Reed by was pathetic and embarrassing. Then leaving the door open like that in Monster alley, only to then after call Chad out for his move saying that is the kind of rider he is, well I am certain if James was in Chads position that Chad would have been down and out and frankly I am amazed Chad was not a little more aggressive. We have all seen James throw some dirty passes, so I don't know what he considers dirty riding because apparently he never wants to ride like that.

Can't take anything away from the guy as he has unbelievable talent and is clearly faster than everyone out there, but he had the perfect opportunity with Chads bad start to run out front or a comfortable speed behind Ryan and avoid all of the drama with Chad potentially taking him out but he seemed to want to take the risk, and should have ended up on the ground when he pulled over. It is only one man's opinion but in my eyes he is the one who looked like the "chump" last night.


Jul 31, 2000
Lazy, you aren't going to make many friends with the bubbles fan club, but you are absolutely correct. The Brooks/Stewart camp looks like the chumps now.
I went back on the DVR to see the so called cheap shot from Chad again, and frankly, that wasn't even close to a cheap shot. Chad had the line and position, he made himself big and that's it. Bubbles actually turned in trying to take away Chad's line, but was not ahead far enough to make it work. In my opinion, that's as close to a clean pass as it gets with a little rubbing. These princess riders need to come out and flat track or ice race a little, my gosh...we'd have the tissue stocks go sky high...
Additionally, even if one wants to claim it was a dirty move (which it wasn't), at least Chad is man enough to do his own dirty work, unlike the crybaby in blue.
Hopefully none of this drama will take away from the fact that JBS is the man as far as talent and speed goes.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Think about it, Bubbles team tells him to ride safe, let Chump by? JBS all but comes to a stop, CR slows with him, and passes how much longer? Tic toc, the race is still going on, tic toc, CR has always been racing like this. You watch old footage, when he comes through the pack, he will do his little, get in front of you and stop, then go. PATENTED! It was not brave at all, it was more embarrassing/belittling than dangerous! Hey, maybe SX Derby would be happening? With roller skates and hot pants no less?


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I was wondering when someone else would mention the turn in that Stewart did. JBS lovers don't ever seem to notice their guy making wild moves from one side of the track to another...all they see is Reed hitting Bubba.

Good observation.


Jul 31, 2000
For the record, I'm not a JBS or Reed lover...I like racing, and, Vegas wasn't a good race. Foxforks...sorry man, I had to read your post 3 times to sort of understand what you were saying :) we need a fox forks bablefish ;)...


Jan 27, 2000
Wolf said:
For the record, I'm not a JBS or Reed lover...I like racing, and, Vegas wasn't a good race. Foxforks...sorry man, I had to read your post 3 times to sort of understand what you were saying :) we need a fox forks bablefish ;)...

Boy! No kiddin'. :nod:

What else was Chad going to do? RV was gone. Even if he rode his ass off and caught him, it wouldn't have mattered. All lil' Jimmie would have had to do is ride around in third place to get the championship. Chad knew this and had to force lil Jimmie to make a mistake. And, it was working. Lil' Jimmie was making many mistakes and it was obvious Chad was getting into his head by not passing him. It was a simple game of cat-and-mouse.

Chad was running out of laps and he had to put Jimmie down without making it look like he did it on purpose. I think he picked the wrong place to do it but it almost worked.

IF lil' Jimmie would have gone down and stalled his bike, the outcome may have been much different and I'll bet the Yamaha camp would be crying like a bunch of wounded banshees. I lost a bunch of respect for the Yamaha camp after this weekend. Especially Larry, ("It didn't really happen") Brooks. Everybody saw it happen Larry. Especially on the replay. And then they come up with the Chad Reed, Who's that guy T shirts. Talk about sour grapes. :think: Lil' Jimmie bashing Chad on the box didn't help either. Those guys should just shut the hell up and accept the crown with a little dignity. They may have won the title but they sure lost a bunch of fans.

I think Larry (Open mouth, insert foot.) Brooks should take a tip from the Suzuki camp and watch how Decoster conducts himself and his team.

Wolf is right. If this were a flattrack race or a MX race from the 70's, Reed would have put lil' Jimmie into the cheap seats. And then laughed about it on camera. Of course, in the 70's we didn't have a camera on us every time we scratched our butts and have it wind up on youtube. But, in our new politicly correct, made for TV world, you can't do that stuff.

Think about it. What kind of a season would we have had if it wasn't for Reed? Would any of you have bothered to spend any money to go to a race just to watch lil' Jimmie lap the whole field? I give Reed a lot of credit for stepping up his game and matching lil' Jimmies speed. Nobody else has been able to do that. He hung it out and made an otherwise boring season very exciting. And for that he gets bashed on a daily basis.

In that final race, we were all waiting for a 'showdown' that we didn't get. But, don't blame the players. They were only doing what they had to do.

It was an awesome season thanks to Chad and I hope next season is even better. :cool:


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Reed reminds me a little of Britney Spears. They're both pretty impressive, 'til they speak.


May 2, 2002
What would be great to see now is Reed come out in the Nationals and win a title with James deciding to sit the season out. Maybe not likely but still a possibility if Reed is on his game and motivated enough to ride the whole season.

If for no other reason than it would probably annoy the hell out of Stewart, especially since he is the defending champ and coming off a perfect season...


Feb 2, 2001
Vic said:
Reed reminds me a little of Britney Spears. They're both pretty impressive, 'til they speak.

How is Britney Spears impressive?


Aug 24, 2005
truespode said:
She has boobs. Boobs are always impressive :)


that's the smartest thing i've read all day!


Feb 2, 2001
Just making sure we were ranking Britney and Chad on being hot. This post has taken a turn for the worse! :think:


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Micahdawg said:
How is Britney Spears impressive?

Okay, maybe not the best example, but I think I made the point. :nod:


Mar 7, 2001
truespode said:
She has boobs. Boobs are always impressive :)


San Manuel Yamaha has more boobs than Britany but only one of them is even slightly impressive.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Hey, Andrew Short got 3rd over all? MX and SX are a race, from the drop of the gate, to the checkers. Fastest person wins. CR was more concerned with taking JBS out, than winning the race, and letting the cards fall as they may. He could not win, and could not kick anyone over!
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