May 10, 2001
I Seen a funny cop to day! When i went to the store with my mom i sat in the car whell she ran in and got some thing. I saw this cop throw on his lights and go throught the red light, allmost causing an acident. Sounds all good and normal rite?? Well guess where he poled in to. . . TIM HORTANS! No not to respond to a call. About 2min after he walks out wit a thing of coffie and a boxs of doughnuts! I got a kick out seeing that. I hope you guys do to! :confused:

(Sorry bout the spelling! The Spell checker dosent work any more!! :ugg: )


Oct 30, 2001
I hear ya monkeymouse, I love watching cops break 5 laws so that they can write you a ticket for breaking 1 law. Are they really concerned about safety or do they just want to fill out their ticket book? :think:
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