Selling all the tools...

Moto Squid

Jul 22, 2002
From this day on I'm never again working on my big boy toys...I'm selling all my tools and everything is magically going to fix itself before it breaks because I've got my own personal full time mechanic. All I gotta do is have fun.

Reality check!!! :confused: Only in another life could that happen. My weekend fun was severly dented after the clutch in my bike finally croaked. No big deal, just miss one race plus now I can replace the throw out bearing in my truck's transmision. No big deal...yeah. Replacing that little bearing on a 4WD truck is NOTHING like the 2WD of past. Torsion bars suck...transfer cases suck...exhaust pipes really suck when they fall...along with that falling road crap while using the impact driver...then the wonderful winter road salt rust everything together just tops the enjoyment. In addition the ball joints and shocks are getting replaced at the same time. What a friggin project...or mess :think: Now the fun really begins when it goes back together :whiner:

It seems every time I start working on my truck or bike one thing leads to another...then another.......nothing just goes as planned. (it was suppose to be apart this morning and together tomorrow) Why do I like fixing this stuff but at the same time want to shoot myself in the foot for even opening the tool box??


Jun 18, 2002
Originally posted by Moto Squid

It seems every time I start working on my truck or bike one thing leads to another...then another.......nothing just goes as planned. (it was suppose to be apart this morning and together tomorrow) Why do I like fixing this stuff but at the same time want to shoot myself in the foot for even opening the tool box??

I thought it was just me that had this problem.....guess not! ;)

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I have the same problem with plumbing :whiner:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by Jeff Gilbert
I have the same problem with plumbing :whiner:
Ditto on the plumber. I've made real good friends with my plumber. He know that I really don't care what the price is as long as it is fixed and I don't have to do it. My philosophy on auto repairs is this. If it has to be done right now, shortest down time, I'll do it. If I have alternate transportation, take it to a pro. The money spent(even if I have to get a loan) is worth not getting the headache you speak of. Sorry for the hassle but keep your tools, they're manly and must be maintained for your sanity. :eek:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Hey Moto Squid ... For a moment ther I thought you lived in Perfect. :)

I don't even work on my lawn equipment any more. It would take me longer to clean out a clear spot than it does to take it to the shop. I am going to learn about my bike though. It is a lot more complicated than by old ones.

Also, I NEVER touch plumbing. From experience, I have learned that it won't
stop till I get to the street.
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