
Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
TwinSpar, Rick and a few other DRNr's showed up early to lead the ground asault on Shady Grove. After a week straigt of rain the track was in perfect shape! Stick corners, excellent jump faces ad landing zones.... My knees felt so good I honestly forgot all about that dredful day in December. All I can say is that I am back. My corner speed has improved dramatically over te last few months due to my knees and me taking it easy on the jumps but the jumping skills are coming back fast. TS is riding faster on the 250F then he ever did on the CR250 and Rick on a new 01 CR250 is flying, I spent 6-7 laps on it and have to say it is the best 2-stroke I have ever riden, in the air it felt like a BMX bike and it cornered like it was on rails.

We went out time and time again, the three of us jockeying for position, throwing down dirty block passes on one another... okay I threw down the dirty blocks, but I have to practice for DW yanno? It got really crowded out there but other than a guy on a zuki that was slow as heck and could not hold a line to save his life while others were passing him it was a complete blast. Sitting i the pits Rick looked at me and said "yanno, nobody was passing us today, feels pretty good" granted Shane and the local fast guys were not there but it was still fun to be one of the fast guys for a change. Long story short, today was the best day riding I have ever had. Now the bike gets torn down for DW01 preparation.


Mar 25, 2001
Awesome Feeling!!

Nothing better than the feeling you get when you are the fastest guys on the track!!! I remember back when my brother-in-law first started riding all the time 3 years ago and thinking how am I going to learn how to ride like that? The old saying of practice makes perfect really applies to the sport of motocross! Put your time in and the confidence to rip around the track will come.

We are far from perfect but have a lot more flashes of brilliance than we did 3 years ago and it is a really exhilarating feeling to fly by someone in 3rd gear pinned or aver the double that not everyone is trying.

Look forward to riding with ya a DW Thump!!
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Aug 20, 2000
HEY I was there :p


anyway IT was in the best shape its been in for a year and a half ...

Maybe next time you guys will ride the WHOLE track....I cleared that back corner off camber (took a bee sting in the head too..ouch..) and then you guys left, i had a nice rut for ya ......:p


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
Originally posted by MTRIDER
HEY I was there :p


Only when you do trials style riding on that KDX. ;)

You guys were brave to tackle the swamp area. Everytime I came around, you two were circling back for yet another run at the bog. Uhhhh... looks like your swamp clearing tactics are in need again with the early week monsoon rain that we got.

A few of us are heading out again early Sunday morning. The track should be pretty good... not as good as last weekend but better than usual. Are you going to make it.


Aug 20, 2000
Actually, my bro only rode it once or twice .....I love that corner before the dropp off...and I Kept trying to clear that step-up,But I cant seem to get the kohoonas to fling myself OVER the top of the hill......damn KDX :) ( its easier to blame the bike)

Sunday is possible.....its a 70% chance tomorrow.....may have to go where the rain isnt ....

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