Short but Sweeeeeet!


Jan 27, 2000
Well, Ol' Elkerillo got us all up at Oh 2 early saturday morning to beat the heat at Beaumont. Funny thing was, it turned out to be overcast and fairly cool.

Most of the usual suspects showed up, JPIVEY, Elk, Elk Jr, Scar tissue, Pvt Joker and myself.

We had three new guys show up. Jeeze, now we got em showing up three at a time and fighting over the tutu. ;) PhastPhart, Pvt Joker Jr. and Pvt Jokers Cousin. (Sorry, can't remember his name). All very respectable riders especially PhastPhart who took every opportunity to show me the virtues of his E-start KTM. :scream: Dang, gotta get me one of those E-buttons.

Smelkarillo led us on a short loop that included an awesome creek section. I personally had a blast doing the creek. We did the creek several times and we were all soaked. :)

Watching Scar and PhastPhart bulldog their bikes down the hill climb was worth the price of admission.

I'm sure I missed a few things, but I know you guys will fill in the blank spaces.

All in all, another Great day with an awesome group of people. :thumb:

BTW. Greg, we're gonna hold ya to that Chiraco Summit ride.

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Jun 5, 2001
That was a great ride boys! Good meeting the new guys, thanks for coming. The creek race/ride was a blast! We took some great runs through it and after following 80fartin9er, I had another great laugh and ride!:) When he hit that first large boulder that sent him up like a rodeo rider, I thought that was the end of him. Then the race back through with Scar, myself, PhastPhart and 80fartin9er was about the funnest run through! We raced for the first turn which after, had a large pond in the middle. Of course, 9er ran the first turn to set up Scar for a wettin and I figured that Scar could use a wettin on the left side also! 9er drenched him and I took the left route but the water decided on a different exit for me. I went into the trees and shrubs and came out flyin WFO! I think the combo of 9er's watering on Scar and then my dry sand wash and tree leaves, made him look like a shake and bake!:) Thanks Scar, that was nice of you to position yourself like that for us.:thumb:

We had some fun at the freakin hill climb, of course Scar took the lead and gave it a go. Well, the hill ate Scar up and laid him on his side about 3/4 of the way up! He bulldogged that 2fittyF down, around, upside down and then to the bottom, what a show!

Phast gave it a go and the hill ate his KTM also! It was great to see but looked like it hurt a bit. I then gave it a go and to my dismay, the rocks and hill ate my screamin RM too! What the heck, how dare that hill do that, I think it was possessed or something! None of us made it, we'll wait for Kiwi to do it and show us how it's done.

We finally got 80fartin9er's wheels off the ground, other than when he loads it into the trailer! He jumped like a rabbit! Great job boss!

Private Joker showed us the hole in the earth that ate his last ride! I was surprised that a 2" by 3" hole could do that? Must have been bigger when he went into it! LOL! j/k.

Thanks again for everyone showing up, even though 89er's directions were wrong! See you guys on the next ride.



Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
That was a most excellent adventure, I gotta start backpacking my gear with us on these rides because some of the stuff you get into, words just don't say enough, there no way to tell someone just how much fun that creek chase was and do it any kind of justice and you guys bulldogging your bikes on that hill was just ............damn,that was nasty.

Anyways it was another great ride and it was nice to meet Phast phart, Elk jr and Pvt Jokers son ( kids pretty dang good ) hope to see you guys out again.

Phast Phart, I really hope you don't hold the water thing against me, I really had no idea.

And like 89r said, what makes these rides so much fun is the people we ride with, so thanks for the fun and thank you DRN for creating a forum were these kind of riders can get together. :thumb: :thumb:


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
That splash through the creek sure sounds cool. :cool: Right now it's still 109 deg in Riverside (and Beaumont) - can't wait for cooler weather. :thumb:
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Jun 5, 2001
You know, it was only about 80 out there yesterday, great weather and cloud cover!


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by a454elk

Thanks again for everyone showing up, even though 89er's directions were wrong!


Hey now, It's a good thing I was following you, I would'a never found the place. :scream:

I forgot about that rock Elk, glad you thought it was so funny. That didn't worry me near as much as that tree stump in the corner. I thought I was gonna catch that thing with my peg and get catapulted clear to MoValley. I could hear your maniacal laugh behind me and when you started making the siren noises, there was no way I was gonna pull over. :moon:

Scar did look pretty funny after you coated him with sand. He looked a lot like a Chicken Mc Nugget. :) :)

What a blast. :thumb:
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Feb 2, 2000
Sounds like you guys had a great time.

I got invited to ride with a guy up in Hisperia on Saturday so I decided to head up there instead of Buemont as I thought it was going to be way to hot out in that neck of the woods.

We were haveing a great ride until I hit a rut doing about 30 and had a yard sale all over the place. Damn that hurt. Broke my chest protector, scratched my new helmet and bent my left radiator up...I'm good except I feel like the left side of my body got hit by a flying Elkirello or something.

I guess that will teach me to miss a SCWC ride now won't it. Glad to hear you guys had a good day...

See ya soon...


Dec 15, 2000
Thanks guys for the chance to ride along with you. That creek was way to much fun. The only thing hurt on my hillclimb attempt was my ego. I guess the 520 just doesn't have enough horsepower. Guess I'll need to be checking out those new 525's......

No need to apologize for the tidal wave you sent me JP. It has been at least 20 years since I got nailed like that. It was one of the highlights of my day. As we approached that water hole and I noticed I was 3 feet back and 3 feet to the side of you it was too late. I am certainly old enough to know better.

I'll let you know when the riding conditions get good out here and show you some new stuff. Pray for rain.


Pvt Joker

Apr 29, 2002
Originally posted by a454elk
Private Joker showed us the hole in the earth that ate his last ride! I was surprised that a 2" by 3" hole could do that? Must have been bigger when he went into it! LOL! j/k.

You were surprised, imagine my disappointment :uh: There didn't seem to be anything in there to hit your head on. I'll never again underestimate my melon's ability to find something to bang against.

Another great ride guys. My son and cousin had a great time too. :yeehaw:


Oct 31, 2001
You guys couldnt have asked for a nicer day considering the following day, after your ride, it was well in the 100s. Sounded like a fun time riding and attempting to water ski on the cycles.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
I looked like a Chicken McNugget huh Next year thats gonna be the rave new look :thumb:

That was a blast. I'm glad we followed the rest of that creek. What a great trail trees, rocks, sand, water, small waterfalls and a chance to blast your friends. eh 89er. Never stall it in a corner in the middle of a creek. Surely your old enough to know that one. :moon:

Phastphart thanks for the demo on the 520 that thing rocks.

Re: the hill climb no one made. Well I went first and was happy to entertain the troops with my rock clinging ability (yes thats without the bike), man that was exhausting.

Re: temps it was 102 and humid when I left RMjseffs house that afternoon. So elky even though I cursed your name all morning it was a good call to head out early.

It was great seeing everyone.

Until next time.


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by scar tissue
and a chance to blast your friends. eh 89er. Never stall it in a corner in the middle of a creek. Surely your old enough to know that one. :moon:

Ahhh, yea. :eek: I kinda knew that was coming. :scream: Maybe even before you did. :)

But, the payback was good wasn't it?? :thumb:

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
The payback was great :worship:

I was kinda hot and tired by then, so I appriciated the cooling off. :yeehaw:


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
:think: I'm trying to imagine a hill that the old 520 can't climb.
It must be a beast :eek:


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
It was nasty, it had three line and they tried everyone, I think the 520 got the furthest, but all were pretty close to the top.

If you have ever watched Hamburger Hill and the guys trying to climb that hill in the rain , Thats what Scar looked like trying to get back to his bike, crawled up 20' slid down 15', it was brutal.


Jan 30, 2000
:thumb: Are we up for Gorman next weekend?


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Next weekend is the Bad Mountain Qualifier up by BlueJay, pays dez pts and I need um.


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by Kiwi Bird
:thumb: Are we up for Gorman next weekend?

:( Can't make it next weekend Kiwi. You guy's have fun. :thumb:

We'll be looking forward to one of Eel's famous ride reports. ;) That is, if he survives. :scream:

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