
Aug 13, 1999
Originally posted by firecracker22
I try so hard and I was really concentrating that day on my position .......I was trying really hard to stay loose on the bike .......

Aside from the recovery and strengthening aspects, maybe you are trying too hard and concentrating too much on specifics?

I know back when I was playing volleyball, whenever the coach would point out a problem with the execution of a specific skill, whoever she was pointing it out on would seem to go backwards as they concentrated on changing their execution.

Like during a spike drill, she would point out that I wasn't hitting with my elbow completely extended. I would try so hard to make sure I did it correctly I wouldn't be able to hit nearly as well as I had been. After awhile, the new technique would finally feel natural and my hitting would improve over the level I had been at before the backslide.

We called it paralyzation by concentration. You may be concentrating so hard on "doing it right" or on learning new technique that you basically forget or neglect the skills that you have so far learned.

Try to relax and work on the new techniques in the easier areas. In more difficult areas, just get through it the best you can until the new technique feels natural. Some of the stuff we go through takes my full concentration on the trail just to make it through unscathed.

In volleyball, we would work on the new techniques at practice but on game day, it was imperative to do it however we could if the new technique was still awkward.

Hope you feel better soon.


Jun 18, 2000
You're starting a track record that my man (Jason) has! Everytime he started to heal up, we'de start riding again and boom, something else gets broken, pulled out of socket, shifted, miss alligned or whatever. You might just have to do what we're doing - play golf! Its actually fun and allows the healing process to fully mature. We'll get back into it again but only after everything has healed and straightened out and our riding style and tactics will definatly change to something more along the lines of what bbbom said.
Sooo sorry to hear about it again FC! Good Luck on the recovery. Keep the workouts going!


Jan 17, 2001
Sorry to hear about your latest injury, Sharla!! I wish you a speedy recovery! However, don't be too hard on yourself---you have only been riding that KTM for a few short months! Not only that, but going from an XR200 to the KTM is QUITE the difference. You don't need to learn it all in 1 season! (easier said than done) :think

Just remember---sometimes you need to go SLOW to be FAST!! Hang in there!!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Well, the doctor didn't tell me much. It probably isn't my ACL and it might be a torn meniscus. We can't do a MRI until a.) I can afford it and b.) the swelling all goes away. So she told me to take anti-inflammatory medication, and work out as much as I can stand. So I don't even really know yet if I need surgery or not.

The doctor wasn't very cordial either. Not rude, just very cold and seemed unwilling to answer all my questions. :think


Oct 31, 2000
A good ortho will be able to tell if its the ACL w/o an MRI (no insurance?). They do a simple test on the exam table - I think it's called a drawer test. If it's the meniscus it can be handled by arthroscopic surgery and you'll be on crutches for a few days.

Think good thoughts:)



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Well, I have insurance but it doesn't cover 100% of the MRI. She said the ACL wasn't torn completely because the knee felt very stable but if there was a partial tear or strain they need an MRI to show that.

She pushed and pulled and wiggled it around quite a bit. She said my other knee, the one I've hurt in the past but never severely, was actually in worse shape overall (aside from recent trauma & swelling) so maybe I'll have them both done!


Oct 31, 2000
They probably wouldn'tt let you have surgery on both and if they will let you do it you don't want to - trust me.
The worst part of ACL reconstruction surgery was the inability to take care of daily 'needs' w/o any help. Let's just say you will find out how much your boyfriend loves you:)



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Originally posted by NVR FNSH
Let's just say you will find out how much your boyfriend loves you :)

LOL as much as I love him--he's having his shoulder cut open and fixed this winter too! So we'll wait on each other.

Actually, I hope to have it done at a different time than his. If it is the meniscus, I shouldn't be out of comission for too long. And if I need both fixed, I'll wait on one until later--I am not going to do both at the same time! Yuck!


Feb 1, 2001
FC - I feel your pain. I popped my ACL 9 weeks ago. Totally popped it off the bone. The thing swelled up like a monster so fast, I thought my boot straps were gonna blow! Well, I have been riding my mountain bike for about a week now, on the road mind you, and it feels about 70%. What everyone is saying is so true. The more you work out, the better off you will be. I can literally feel every morning I go out and ride that it is stronger. You sound exactly like me, I try so dang hard, and get so frustrated. I too keep getting banged up, just last year I cracked a vertebrae in my back! I now am trying to look at riding a different way. I am just going to be happy to be out there, and try and have a good time. Just try and appreciate being able to be free and ride, that's what it's all about! Good luck with the recovery. I hope your doc is right about your ACL being ok...:cool:

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
Just read about your re-injury. I'm so sorry!!:( Hope you are feeling better real soon. This "sitting around waiting for something to heal" really sucks large. Maybe you should get a second opinion if you don't like this doc.:think


Aug 13, 1999
Sidelined myself now! :(

Well FC22, me and the kids will join you on the sidelines for a bit. We got rearended in my Bronco Sunday and we all have some good sore necks - thank you seatbelts!!

At least it's all just a bit uncomfortable and no serious injuries. Doc says 4 - 6 weeks but we'll see how it goes. We've been hitting the ice and now are moving to heat & ice. Luckily, the guy was fully insured so we are styling in the rental Expedition while the Bronco gets put back together.

I think I would rather have injured myself though, at least my little ones wouldn't have been hurt. :(

If you don't like your doc, find another one. Although, I have had more than one less than personable doc that I returned to because they were very skilled for the problem at hand. If you can't get your questions answered to your satisfaction, look around for someone else.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
In my experience, specialists have been a lot less personable than the family docs. Even the OB/GYN the wife went to was kind of a dink. I haven't been to an Orthopod that was worth a pinch of, er, salt as far as answering my questions. There are a couple new ones around here, though, that are a lot better with patients, IMO.

As far as the torn meniscus, that's a lot better than the ACL! If they can go in and just take out the bad parts, you should be okay. They had to sew mine back together, so I was on sticks for a couple months, in a brace to keep me from pulling the stitches out.

Good luck and get better! :)

And bbbom--Thank goodness you guys are okay! Heal up that whiplash!


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
FC- My ortho. doctor was kind of nutty too. His assistant was great though and she answered all the questions he didn't or wouldn't. If you are not happy though, definately get a second or third opinion. Make sure you are confortable and confident in their ability or find another. Get well soon!

Bbbom - sorry to hear about the accident. Thank goodness you and the little ones are doing OK. Whiplash is awful (got it after a jet ski accident once). Get plenty of rest and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Stylin' in the Expidition, I know what you mean. My mom and dad have one and I drive it every chance I get!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Oh, no Bbbom, that’s too bad! I’m glad you’re all okay. Just think—since you can’t ride it, now is the time to clean, fix and buy new goodies for the bike!

I did get the feeling that the prognosis is pretty good. I might be good for the Dec. 1 Goodnoe Hills GP—Bbbom, will you be riding again by then? That’s 500 territory, for sure. I went there once on my POS XR200 and I made it up hills that guys on 125s were struggling with. Ha!

Anyway, I will be back in the saddle soon.


Aug 13, 1999
Yes, CNM whiplash stinks!! Thanks to my working out for the past few years though, it is improving by the day. It was scary for my kids but they will be fine probably much sooner than me (stinks to get old).

Originally posted by firecracker22
Just think—since you can’t ride it, now is the time to clean, fix and buy new goodies for the bike!

That's the worst part, my bike is completely ready to ride. We haven't even been out for 2 months because it's too dry and it just rained Tuesday!!

I'm taking it very easy this week and will see what I feel like come this weekend. I've never had whiplash before but I think this is pretty minor since my neck just gets tired towards the end of the day now. Luckily not really any pain, just a bit weak.

As for Dec, heck yeah, I'll be riding before that, will have to see if things have settled down over here before I can commit to making a trip though. Karl & I plan on doing the October ScareScramble here probably a little soon for you though.

Glad the prognosis sounds good! Take it easy and get it back in shape the best you can - I know, much easier said than done! :confused:


Jun 30, 2001
Sorry to hear about your accident bbboom, glad you are all ok.
Firecracker, sounds like you think your knee will be ok after all. I hope so. I hyperextended mine in a race a year ago. It took a couple of months before I could run with out my knee all of the sudden buckling on me. I invested in a pair of CTi braces after that & won't ride without them. I suggest you get a good set of braces before getting back in the saddle.
I had a horrific crash last weekend 4th gear wide open & went over the bars. Bruise my kidney and I have bruises all over my right leg. If I hadn't had the braces on I probably wouldn't be able to race this weekend. My bruises on my right leg is where the brace wraps around. Thank god for good protection.
I hope everyone heals up soon....later

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
bbboom - sorry to hear of your accident. I know it's harder to watch your kids in pain than having it yourself.:( Get well soon so you can get that 500 dirty again!:cool:


Nov 14, 1999
Sorry bout the knee, that really sucks. My kid broke his collarbone at Washougal last week so I know where your coming from. Sounds like to me your not too happy with your Doc.Anyway, our orthro is awesome. He has put us back together many times. His office is also used for all the Mariners work, so they must be compitent. Puget Sound Orthopedics. Its downtown by Providence hospital. I see Dr. Kvidera, but anyone there is great.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Well, more gimps to add to the list . . . Steve crashed this weekend and twisted his knee too! It didn't look too bad, not much swelling, but we'll see. This sucks. :(


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Right. I'd rather take up knitting. :eek:

Now I'll just have some cool surgery scars to show off!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by firecracker22
Right. I'd rather take up knitting.
I don't know. I hear you can get pretty bad arm pump working those needles around. ;)

You think you guys'll be healthy enough to get over to Spokane on the 28th?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I was kinda hoping you gals could keep my goggles clean. :p

That is, in case my pit tootsies don't show up! If nothing else, my mommy will be there!:eek:
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