
Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Of course, it’s kind of hard not to roost someone who can’t get out of the way . . . darn those loud, 1975-technology four-strokes anyway . . .


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Silly girls . . . :confused:

That 1975 technology packs this tub-o-lard around pretty good, thank you very much! (not that I wouldn't mind trading it for some 1999 and up Euro-technology, or maybe even some 2002 Japanese tech!)

Ah, wish in one hand, er, ah, never mind . . . :eek:


Jul 12, 2001
how's the knee FC 22? hopefully it's getting better...
I've got injured friends down here to that I normally ride with....what's up with that?
Bbbom, hope that whiplash heals quickly for you and the kiddies, been there, and it's no fun. :(
I am riding, and ready to race, but I don't want to do it by myself since I've never done it....let me know next race around here that anyone's going to enter (Oregon, or Washington) so I can get my feet wet (so to speak)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I feel ok, not great. Steve's STUPID dog knocked into me and my knee popped and now is a little sore. That idiot dog is going to learn some manners. He has to be first through any doorway or hallway, and loves to just run by you, especially if you have something in your hands. Jerk. Anyway, I went to the gym and was able to do some quad and hamstring exercises. I want to ride but know I shouldn't . . . I haven't heard back from my doc yet to see what she recommends. Looks like Steve is going to be on the OR table first though--he just saw his doctor today and looks like he tore his ACL in Sunday's race, so he's done for the season. :( THIS SUCKS BIGGER THAN LIFE!!!! I'm getting depressed. What do "normal" people--without dirt bikes--do on weekends? We'll have to find something to do for a while.

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Having come back from a knee injury myself, I would like to suggest hiking. It strengthens the legs and you're not as likely to tweek your knee. I'm talkin' long hikes of more than 10 miles in a day. Going up and down hills or mountains is good. Then progress to mountain bicycling. Very good stuff. 'Just some thoughts from somebody who's been there.


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by BikeDstroyer

There will be a WORCS race in Roseburg, OR Nov. 3 & 4. I'll be there as I am doing the whole series. It is part motocross & part woods. FUN If you want more info. go to

thanks for the info....looks like there are 5 different classes that I can choose from...what do you recommend for a 38 year old that has never actually competed?
Should I do the women's novice? or the Vet novice (since I'm an oldy!)?
or should I just do the unclassified?
I have no idea of where to start....I guess I just send in my $$ and pick a class to race in?


Jun 30, 2001

#1 you are not that much older than I. Race the Women's class. We all race together because there is never enough of us to divide it into Beg., Nov., Exp., The unclassified race is a mad house I wouldn't do that one. I usually do the team race to take a look at the course and then I race the women's class. Hope to see you there.


Jul 12, 2001
perfect, thanks for the reply! I will plan on doing that then, and since I can't make it to any other WORCS races this year, I'll just pay my $10 per race fee and not join, then pay whatever the race fee is.
I will plan on being there, right now, I'm on fire on the KTM!!!!
I love the bike, and my confidence level is better than it ever has been since my ACL surgery...I'm ready to give it a go!
I will get all my ducks in a row, and me if you have any advice, suggestions etc, since I've never done this before!


Aug 13, 1999
All these Old Ladies on dirtbikes - can you believe it!!! :scream:

(I'm 37 so I can say that!!!) :cool:

Good luck Holley & BikeDestroyer!!

Sorry to hear about Steve FC22, that stinks.

I'm about back to normal (for me at least). Got out on the mountain bike last week, did a short kids ride on dirtbikes Sunday and mountain biked again Monday. Not too much stiffness, wish I was as quick to recover as my kids. They are running around as normal with no stiffness.

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