SIDI SRS boots and fastway F3 pegs


Apr 17, 2002
I recently bought Fastway pegs and after 4 rides with my SIDI SRS boots have prety much destroyed the tops of the screw in tabs used for grip. The screws used to hold the sole on are exposed and smash the heads of the screws on the pegs. Not sure if this is a concern for some but for me it is. It appears as if they are wearing down and getting shorter which means less grip. Also with the tops smashed down there isn't a way to get them out with the hex tool provided.

Only way I can think of is drilling em out but that don't sound very fun to do 12 times on each peg.


Nov 7, 2000
I would take a pic of them and e-mail them to fastway and see what they intend to do about it. I don't own a either product, but from a vender stand point if there was a problem with that kind of boot and my peg I would want to know about it an make it right.

Rather than drilling them out I would use a dremel tool and slot the knubbs on the top and use a large flat head screw driver to get them out. Be sure to soak them in WD-40 or similar oil before unscrewing them.
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