Well, I suppose I should add my stories about uphills from the Renfro Valley Kentucky Dual Sport Ride. I know, I know, dual sport rides are usually easy, but believe me, this one is rated challenging to difficult and they mean it! :eek: There are some of the rockiest, gnarliest uphills you have ever seen.
We started the run, and things were looking pretty good. My TTR was humming and I was loving my new 150 hop up kit. Then, my husband and I came to the fork in the trail where we chose challenging or easier route. Of course we chose challenging :scream: Here we go, single track, steep uphill and rocky! I was doing okay, until I came to a rocky shelf. Gunned my little blue baby, hit the rock, and she reared up right out from under me. TTR went to the left over the cliff and hung in a tree branch. Thank goodness I went the other direction. Hubby came back looking for me and there I am standing in the middle of the trail and no bike. I pointed to the bike-bearing limb and He and another guy who graciously stopped fished the bike out for me.
Bottom line, it was one of the best weekends I've ever had! ;)