the bike is my daughter's 01 KX100, bought used
The right radiator shroud is stuck onto the gas tank permanently. The reason is that one of the threaded inserts, in the tank, where the screw holding the shroud screws in, now slips, making it impossible to remove the screw.
To try to make this clear...there is a threaded insert in the gas tank. It serves as the female part of the connection, matching with a screw. That insert, which is supposed to be fixed in the tank, rotates, making it impossible to remove the screw.
Any ideas? Buying a new tank is not an option.
The right radiator shroud is stuck onto the gas tank permanently. The reason is that one of the threaded inserts, in the tank, where the screw holding the shroud screws in, now slips, making it impossible to remove the screw.
To try to make this clear...there is a threaded insert in the gas tank. It serves as the female part of the connection, matching with a screw. That insert, which is supposed to be fixed in the tank, rotates, making it impossible to remove the screw.
Any ideas? Buying a new tank is not an option.